A set of useful, and possibly opinionated, Tag Helpers for ASP.NET Core
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Allow other Tag Helpers to detect when rendering has been suppressed by the AuthzTagHelper
#62 opened by DamianEdwards - 2
Can the asp-if tag helper's order be changed
#58 opened by danielgreen - 3
Provide Resource to `AuthorizeAsync()`
#49 opened by dahlbyk - 1
Display/Editor `additionalViewData`
#48 opened by dahlbyk - 0
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When asp-if evaluates to false, the content is still generated, and suppressed after
#55 opened by danielgreen - 1
- 1
Feature Request - Create a Gravatar Component
#41 opened by sipmann - 1
asp-if on viewcomponent not working
#38 opened by dotnetshadow - 1
AuthZ: Not Authorized By Policy
#54 opened by dahlbyk - 15
JavaScript Collocation TagHelper
#42 opened by khalidabuhakmeh - 3
Add a markdown Tag Helper
#6 opened by DamianEdwards - 0
- 0
Use nullability annotations
#33 opened by DamianEdwards - 0
Feature request - Humanize display name, if no DisplayName or Display(Name= attribute present on property
#37 opened by omon77 - 2
Add authorization Tag Helper
#5 opened by DamianEdwards - 2
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Move CI & site to Linux
#30 opened by DamianEdwards - 1
Move CI definition to YAML
#29 opened by DamianEdwards - 0
Create a Tag Helper to make adding a CSS class to an element conditionally prettier
#31 opened by DamianEdwards - 1
Add support for .NET 5.0 previews
#28 opened by DamianEdwards - 0
Add support for passing extra parameters to field/display/edit template Tag Helpers
#8 opened by DamianEdwards - 1
editor Tag Helper doesn't support templateName
#25 opened by emumanu - 1
Add support for passing extra HTML attributes from source element to template for field/display template Tag Helpers
#9 opened by DamianEdwards - 3
TagHelper for Base64 URI data
#20 opened by grahamehorner - 0
Radio button example?
#17 opened by dotnetshadow - 0
Create a localization Tag Helper
#11 opened by DamianEdwards - 0
Create Preformatted TagHelper
#12 opened by hishamco - 0
Create a "Query" Tag Helper that appends query string values to URL attributes on the same element
#13 opened by DamianEdwards - 2
Reserve NuGet package name
#3 opened by DamianEdwards - 2
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Async CancellationToken?
#19 opened by grahamehorner - 2
Nested PartialView Model not working
#18 opened by dotnetshadow - 4
taghelps with asp-if
#22 opened by grahamehorner - 6
Error running the sample under 2.0
#14 opened by andrewlock - 2
Partial taghelper can't find view
#21 opened by dotnetshadow - 2
Asp.net core 2.0 can't seem to add package
#15 opened by dotnetshadow - 0
Add sample projects
#7 opened by DamianEdwards - 0
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Set up CI
#1 opened by DamianEdwards - 0
Add editor field template Tag Helper
#4 opened by DamianEdwards - 1
Set up MyGet feed
#2 opened by DamianEdwards