removed IConfiguration from library - should be handled in application layer, to be resolved by DI container, based on that, proper class should gets injected to service, added TransferServiceConfiguration transferServiceConfiguration - as an example what could be used by DI (or purely by config.Bind)
added Abstract folder to keep interface - readability (some abtsractions could be even propagated
extracted IContainerDataStore in order to respect that one by dedicated data stores implementation
renamed Types to Models since it collides a bit with conventions, enums kept in dedicated folder
moved all services to one subfolder - readability (to avoid confusion when logic resides)
mark some models props with null! to mark which reference nullable types are nullable or not
service should operate based on abstrations, DI should be smart enough to inject implementation based on configuration, SOLID - dep. inject prinicple
removed request validation part from service ( in that place it is assumed models were validated before), we follow SOLID - single resposiblity, validator could be invoked diffrent way (like middleware in api), thus I removed it from service, added dedicated class which is based on fluentvalidation added another one which could handle it in custom way
added try catch withh Ilogger to add more light into app
added test for service with mocked dependency interface by moq
Future improvements -
- making signature to support working with tasks (helpful later in impl to make whole process async)
- more tests for dedicated services, also validator (now added happy path)
- respect CQS - split data store logic to have either query or command
- more validations needed since it also is based on object retrieved from container (dynamic validation)