TV Movie Center

TV Movie Center is an entertaintment media discovery application. Use it to discover today's pupular tv shows, or use it to search for your favorite shows, movies, and actors.

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Project Requirements

  • List popular TV shows on initial load and render a search bar.
  • When searching for a TV show, display a list of shows whose title matches the search parameters.
  • When clicking on a TV show, display more information about that show


  • Back-end: Node.js & Express
  • Testing: Jasmine
  • Front-end: EJS

Create an interface between the back-end and The Movie Database (TMDB) API to simplify queries to TMDB, known as the movieQueryInterface (MQI)

  • Use node-fetch since all requests seem to be basic GET requests
  • With the simplicity of querying thanks to my MQI, it was very easy to implement pages for movies as well as actors.

Store the API key in a .env file for security.

No local database is needed since all the data needed is in TMDB.

The Bootstrap library was used to quickly build the application's UI.