
Sample education apps using WSL2 technology

Primary LanguageC#

WSL2 Debugging with Visual Studio

Is now included in Visual Studio 2019

Previously, you had to download the extension which was in "preview" only. The link is provided as a reference to the documentation.


First things first, you must be running at least VS 2019 (latest update) and enable WSL 2 on your Windows 10 box.

Install Linux Distro

Next, be sure to install a Linux distro from the Microsoft store.

  1. WSL 2 distribution
    • Download your favorite distro.
    • I've only tested with Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (~450 MB).
  2. After downloading, launch the distro
  3. Configure your Username and Password.

Prerequisites for Distros

  1. Install .NET on your WSL distro via,.NET Core runtime
  2. Curl

Configure WSL 2

Sample Profile

"WSL 2": {
  "commandName": "WSL2",
  "launchBrowser": true,
  "launchUrl": "https://localhost:5001",
  "environmentVariables": {
    "ASPNETCORE_URLS": "https://localhost:5001;http://localhost:5000",
  "distributionName": ""

Supported Launch Profiles

Setting Use Default
commandName Must be WSL2 WSL2
distributionName Name of the distribution to run in, or "" to use the default distribution. ""
executablePath Path to run dotnet
commandLineArgs Arguments to pass to executablePath The projects output assembly.
workingDirectory The directory in which to start executablePath For ASP.NET Core web apps, the project folder; for .NET Core console Apps, the output folder.
environmentVariables List of environment variables to set for executablePath. null
launchBrowser Whether or not to launch a browser. false
launchUrl Url to use for launching a browser. null