Simple personal calendar app.
Properties used to connect this app to the MongoDB can be found in files.
If mongo database, to which this application is connected to, is standalone mongo instance, exception
"Sessions are not supported by the MongoDB cluster to which this client is connected"
would be thrown. On the other hand in the official documentation is written that Mongo supports transactions feature for a replica set ( Fragmet that is important:
In version 4.0, MongoDB supports multi-document transactions on replica sets.
In version 4.2, MongoDB introduces distributed transactions, which adds support for multi-document transactions on sharded clusters and incorporates the existing support for multi-document transactions on replica sets.
One of solutions is to make a replica set. Process of creating replica set for testing and development purposes is described for example here:
You can come across the exception which says:
Cannot create namespace DATABASE.COLLECTION in multi-document transaction.
Creating collection in multi-document transactions are not possible (It's important to remember that if some collection doesn't exist and we try to insert some data into that non-existent collection, MongoDB would try to create it). One of the solutions is to create needed collections manually.
- adding security with jwt (implementing things like: using authenticated info about logged user to making changes in events and enabling logging and registration among other things),
- adding swagger,
- (Optional) addding custom cascade annotations.