Grid world environment

This environment is developed in Python 3.6 and uses the library gym.

You can design a new map by editing/adding a file in the folder gridenvs/examples.

The variable init_map allows you to create a map with characters W, ., H, K, D which design respectively Wall, empty space, Hero, Key and Door.

You can change the parameters of variable state_dict which:

  • first parameter is an integer which refers to the state of the world (for example : 0 -> The agent has not the key and 1 -> The agent has the key),
  • second parameter is an integer which corresponds to the reward the agent gets when hitting the object,
  • third parameter is a boolean. When it is True the episode ends when the agent gets the object and does not otherwise.

Also, you can just run the file located in the root of the folder to generate the environment and move an agent with the arrows of your keyboard (press Escape to exit).