DamienIrving's Followers
- zhaojian019Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
- samarjitsahooIndia, Asia 🇮🇳
- Mflyer-sys
- IlhamHabibullahKKP ( Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan )
- Azad77Soran University
- Ly0n@open-energy-transition @protontypes
- hu8813Vienna, Austria
- jb6465
- ZZZbear
- brendancol@makepath
- ukirdemir
- jeromaerts
- agumase
- kuchaaleAustria
- jatkinson1000@Cambridge-ICCS
- xiaoyangchen66
- Darren-RayUniversity of Adelaide
- mahendrawrfNIT Rourkela India
- moreshudDeepIntel Limited
- shreyatrivedi26
- Pocket-titanThe Hague, the Netherlands
- lennaoriana
- miniufoSouth China Sea Institute of Oceanography
- ZeitsperreOuranos
- owenlamontOptiGrid
- pygmyperchFlinders University
- Yoguer
- bzahHexanode
- oceanremotesensing
- yanyh-github
- zhengkai15
- JulianOG
- juanshito
- oceanography-rookieGermany
- StarbornISTCS.org/CSKRNS
- baiquniyu