
Neato Javascript SDK.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status

Neato SDK - JS

This is the Neato Developer Network's official JavaScript SDK (Beta release). The Neato JavaScript SDK enables easy interaction with Neato servers and robots via Ajax calls.

To boost your development, you can also check the sample application.

This is a beta version. It is subject to change without prior notice.


  • Create the Neato user account via the Neato portal or from the official Neato App
  • Link the robot to the user account via the official Neato App


An example app can be found in the demo folder.

For your convenience, an online demo can be seen on the Neato Developer Network at the address: https://developers.neatorobotics.com/demo/sdk-js


In order to use the Neato SDK JS simply import the jQuery and hmac-sha256 dependencies and the neato-x.y.z.min.js file:

<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.2.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/crypto-js/3.1.2/rollups/hmac-sha256.js"></script>
<script src="../lib/neato-0.9.0.min.js"></script>


The Neato SDK has 3 main roles:

  1. Handling OAuth authentications
  2. Simplifying users info interactions
  3. Managing communication with Robots

These tasks are handled by two classes: Neato.User and Neato.Robot.


The Neato SDK leverages on OAuth 2 to perform user authentication.

1. Retrieve your client_id, scopes and redirect_url

Before start please retrieve your client_id, scopes and redirect_uri you entered during the creation of your app on the Neato Developer Portal. These values must match in order to authenticate the user.

2. Start the authentication flow

To start the authentication flow simply invoke the login() method on the user object passing the above data:

var user = new Neato.User();
  clientId:    "your_app_client_id",
  scopes:      "control_robots+email+maps",
  redirectUrl: "your_redirect_uri"

The SDK will start the authentication flow navigating to the Neato authentication page where the user inserts his Neato account credentials and accept your app to handle your Neato data. If the authentication is successful, you will be redirected to the redirect uri page and an access_token parameters will be passed into the url.

3. Check if the user is now connected

There's no need to parse the token yourself, the SDK handles it for you. You only have to check if the user is now connected to the Neato server or not:

var user = new Neato.User();
  .done(function () {
    // ok you can retrieve your robot list now
  }).fail(function () {
    // authentication failure or user not yet logged in

In order to understand why the isConnected() method returns failure, you can use these methods on the user object:

if(user.authenticationError()) {
  // OAuth authentication failed/denied
} else if(!user.connected && user.token != null) {
  // invalid / expired token
} else {
  // nothing to do here, show the login form to the user

Working with Users

Once the user is authenticated you can retrieve user information using the NeatoUser class:

  .done(function (data) {
    var email = data.email || "";
  .fail(function (data) {
    // server call error

Get user robots

To get the user robot list you can do this:

  .done(function (robots) {
    // now user.robots contains the NeatoRobots array
  .fail(function (data) {
    // server call error

NeatoRobot is a special class we have developed for you that can be used to directly invoke commands on the robot.

To count the robots do this:

var count = user.robots.length;

To retrieve a specific robot by serial number do this:

var robot = user.getRobotBySerial(serial);

Communicating with Robots

Now that you have the robots for an authenticated user it’s time to communicate with them. In the previous call you've seen how easy it is to retrieve NeatoRobot instances for your current user. Those instances are ready to receive messages from your app (if the robots are online obviously).

The robot status

Before, we saw how to retrieve the robot list from the NeatoUser class. It is best practice to check the robot state before sending commands, otherwise the robot may be in a state that cannot accept the command and return an error code. To update/get the robot state do this:


This method starts polling for the robot state every X seconds and invoke the onStateChanged() if a state change occurs.

So, if you are interested in these events you can do this:

robot.onConnected =  function () {
  console.log(robot.serial + " got connected");
robot.onDisconnected =  function (status, json) {
  console.log(robot.serial + " got disconnected");
robot.onStateChange =  function () {
  console.log(robot.serial + " got new state:", robot.state);

Sending commands to a Robot

An online robot is ready to receive your commands like startCleaning. Some commands require parameters while others don't, see the API doc for details.

Pause cleaning doesn't require parameters:


Get general info doesn't require parameters:


Start cleaning requires parameters like the cleaning mode (eco or turbo) and, in case of spot cleaning, the spot cleaning parameters (large or small area, 1x or 2x).

  mode: Neato.Constants.TURBO_MODE,
  modifier: Neato.Constants.HOUSE_FREQUENCY_NORMAL,
  navigationMode: Neato.Constants.EXTRA_CARE_OFF

Working with Robot schedule

To enable or disable all the schedule:


To schedule a robot clean every Monday at 3:00pm:

  1: { mode: Neato.Constants.TURBO_MODE, startTime: "15:00" }

To schedule a robot clean everyday at 3:00pm:

  0: { mode: Neato.Constants.TURBO_MODE, startTime: "15:00" },
  1: { mode: Neato.Constants.TURBO_MODE, startTime: "15:00" },
  2: { mode: Neato.Constants.TURBO_MODE, startTime: "15:00" },
  3: { mode: Neato.Constants.TURBO_MODE, startTime: "15:00" },
  4: { mode: Neato.Constants.TURBO_MODE, startTime: "15:00" },
  5: { mode: Neato.Constants.TURBO_MODE, startTime: "15:00" },
  6: { mode: Neato.Constants.TURBO_MODE, startTime: "15:00" }

Note: not all robot models support the eco/turbo cleaning mode. You should check the robot available services before sending those parameters.

Getting robot coverage maps

To retrieve the list of robot cleaning coverage maps:

robot.maps().done(function (data) {
  if(data["maps"] && data["maps"].length > 0) {
    // since map image urls expire, you need to use the map id
    // to retrieve a fresh map url
    var mapId = data["maps"][0]["id"];
    robot.mapDetails(mapId).done(function (data) {
      // show the map image
    }).fail(function (data) {
      // something went wrong getting map details...
  }else {
    // No maps available yet. Complete at least one house cleaning to view maps.
}).fail(function (data) {
  // something went wrong getting robots map...

The code above retrieves the list of all the available maps and, if exists, shows the first one.

Note: before trying to use this call please ensure the robot supports the "maps" service.

Checking robot available services

Different robot models and versions have different features. So before sending commands to the robot you should check if that command is available on the robot. Otherwise the robot will respond with an error. You can check the available services on the robot:

var availableServices = robot.state.availableServices;

In addition there are some utility methods you can use to check if the robot supports the services.

if(availableServices["findMe"]) {
  //robot has the findMe service

The SDK does a big work to always send to the robot acceptable parameters checking its supported service. So, for simplicity, you can send commands to the robot without any parameters and the SDK fills the call with acceptable ones (where this has sense).


The above call send to the robot default parameters and ensure required parameters are filled and not supported parameters are discarded.
The supported services methods are automatically injected into the robot instance after the robot state is retrieved and the good part is that only the correct version of the method is injected.

Use supported services to build your UI

Supported robot services should be used to build your UI, you should hide unavailable services features and show supported ones. This is particularly true in the robot command page. Here you can benefit of some useful method of the robot class.


Since there are different version of cleaning service you can use this method to build your UI.



Install Ruby and bundle the gems.

$ bundle install


Start Jasmine with:

$ rake jasmine

Point your browser to http://localhost:8888 to see the test results.


To run tests:

$ rake


To build the minified version of the library:

$ rake build