
I set up a Static Website on CentOS using Vagrant


Step 1 - Create a directory named vagrant

Command: mkdir vagrant

Step 2 - Create a directory with the name of the website to be hosted.

Comman: mkdir Static_website

Step 3 - Change directory to the directory created in step 2

Command: cd Static_website

Step 4 - Create a vagrantfile in the wavecafe directory with the vagrant box config gotten from vagrant cloud.

Command: vagrant init centos/7

Step 5 - Use vim editor to modify the vagrantfile configuration. (this is to enable IP the address)

network permissions

Step 6 - Bring up the vm

Command: vagrant up

vagrant up

Step 7 - Log on to VM

Command: vagrant ssh

Step 8 - switch to root user

Command: sudo -i

Step 9 - Install httpd

Command: yum install httpd wget unzip -y


Step 10 - Set up httpd (Start the service)

Command: systemctl start httpd

Step 11 - Set up httpd (Enable the service to run at start up)

Command: systemctl enable httpd

Step 12 - Access the default server page. Use ifconfig or IP addr show command to look up the IP address

default server

Step 13 - Switch to the tmp directory

Command: cd /tmp/

NB: I Downloaded a sample website template from

Step 14: Download via the CLI "

Command: wget

Step 15: unzip the file and copy all the contents to the /var/www/html/ directory

Command: unzip -o

Command: cp -r 2122_nano_folio/* /var/www/html/

Step 16: Restart the httpd Service

Command: systemctl restart httpd

Step 17: Refresh the browser

sample website