- 5
Feature Request: Line-level Inline Exclusions
#91 opened by ChefAustin - 6
Feature Request: JUnit.xml output format
#98 opened by wscourge - 2
Add support for json output
#89 opened by fnando - 1
- 1
- 2
- 5
Ruby 3.1 Support
#96 opened by mnin - 1
- 7
Recommended fetch with block over args as faster
#37 opened by schneems - 10
- 1
Add support for running a single file
#90 opened by fnando - 3
Run fasterer on specified files' list
#75 opened by Diego-Zulu - 3
- 4
Required ruby version
#84 opened by biow0lf - 0
Failing specs for Ruby 3
#86 opened by swiknaba - 8
Report with links
#63 opened by dukaev - 2
- 1
add check for range member
#27 opened by DamirSvrtan - 1
Single Array argument
#28 opened by DamirSvrtan - 5
ignore rules via comments in source
#49 opened by jumanjiman - 2
Encoding::CompatibilityError: incompatible character encodings: UTF-8 and ASCII-8BIT
#72 opened by mensfeld - 0
Block vs Symbol to Proc rule
#40 opened by tleish - 17
- 3
Ruby 2.6 support
#55 opened by JaniJegoroff - 5
Output with directly in line
#57 opened by dukaev - 11
- 2
Root config file for multiple project support
#48 opened by hlascelles - 6
Ruby 2.5 support
#46 opened by mensfeld - 4
#21 opened by michaelachrisco - 1
- 2
%I[] notation parser error
#45 opened by Val - 2
Is this tool still maintained?
#44 opened by mensfeld - 5
- 7
Allow the user to run on a single file
#12 opened by lpil - 7
unrecognized RUBY_VERSION 2.3.0
#34 opened by segantii-alex-falkowski - 2
- 3
How to make fasterer work on .rb files only
#25 opened by thisiscetin - 1
- 2
- 9
RUBY_ENGINE Specific Suggestions?
#13 opened by sshaw - 0
#14 opened by DamirSvrtan - 1
- 2
Error "Scan"
#8 opened by danieljohnmorris - 4
Filters and defaults.
#1 opened by jdickey - 3
- 2
Useful references for rules
#7 opened by JakeTheSnake3p0 - 2
- 2
"Fasterer was unable to process some files" with blank config/initializers/wrap_parameters.rb in Rails
#4 opened by mwiley