
High Performance Graph Database Server

Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


1. Introduction

JasmineGraph is a C/C++ based distributed graph database server. It has been developed following the Acacia graph database server architecture. JasmineGraph can be run on single computer as well as on a compute cluster.

2. Building JasmineGraph on Single Computer


The following build tools, applications, and libraries need to be installed before building JasmineGraph. The CMakeLists.txt file's entries need to be updated to match with the installation locations of the dependencies. For examole, if you install SpdLog in a directory called "software" in your Linux system you may have to add a line as "include_directories("$ENV{HOME}/software/spdlog/include")" to get the SpdLog's header files associated with you build process.

First, this repository should be cloned into one of your computer's local directory. Then change directory to jasminegraph and run ./build.sh to build the JasmineGraph executable.

3. Running JasmineGraph

JasmineGraph can be run by executing the run.sh script. This will start master on your local computer while workers are created in the list of the hosts mentioned in the conf/hosts.txt file.

4. Contact Information

Please contact [Miyuru Dayarathna](miyurud at yahoo dot co dot uk) for further information. Please let us know about bug reports or any further improvements you wish to have in JasmineGraph.

Open Source License

JasmineGraph is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. Task Scheduler which is integrated in JasmineGraph is using MIT License. GraphSAGE which is integrated in JasmineGraph to generate node embeddings is using MIT License.


More details of JasmineGraph/Acacia architecture is available from the following list of papers.