Ruby Catalog - Capstone Project

Command line application that lets the user build a virtual catalog of things with associacions between them.

The project was developed based on the following UML diagram (Click to enlarge):



Video Presentation

Click here to view the video presentation of this project.

Tools used

  • Ruby
  • Rubocop
  • RSpec


  • User can choose between different options to create/show items.
  • Upon exiting, all data is saved locally.
  • If local data is present, the session is restored to the previous state.


  • Clone the repo by running git clone
  • Open the folder by running cd Ruby-Items-Catalog
  • Run bundle install inside the folder of the cloned repo.
  • Run the main.rb file.


  • To run all test suites, run the command rspec spec
  • To run an individual test, run the command rspec /spec/<name_of_file.rb>

Authors 👤

Robert Baiesita

Faizan Zahid

Adedamola Shittu

🤝 Contributing

Feel free to check the issues page.

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