
Python implementation of a fusion enhancement algorithm for underwater images.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Underwater Image Fusion Enhancement

A python implementation of a fusion enhancement algorithm for underwater images.

I created this implementation as part of Kaggle's Tensorflow Greate Barrier Reef competition.

This implementation is based on the Java implementation from the OptimizedImageEnhance repo.

The original algorithm is from Enhancing underwater images and videos by fusion by Cosmin Ancuti.

Installing as a Package

python -m pip install git+https://github.com/DamonGeorge/UnderwaterImage-FusionEnhancement.git

Feel free to specify a release tag or other commit or marker (eg by appending @v0.1).

Installing for Development

First create a python 3.7 environment. Next install all dependencies using

python -m pip install -r requirements-dev.txt

Initialize pre-commit using

pre-commit install

Using the library

Basic import example: import fusion_enhance

Specified import example: from fusion_enhance import enhance

Using the example script

You can run the example script as

python enhance_files.py <example_image>

to enhance an image. This script also supports the batch enhancement of entire folders using multiple processes.