
Ahead of time compiler for JVM bytecode targetting iOS, Mac OSX and Linux

Primary LanguageJava


Build Status

Website - Developer Guide - Changelog - RoboPods - dkimitsa's dev blog

RoboVM is an ahead-of-time compiler for Java bytecode, targeting Linux, Mac OS X and iOS.

This is a fork of the last open-source release of RoboVM.

Key Features

iOS 11 and XCode 9 are fully supported, for details please read this wiki article.

Interface Builder Integration is also available, details in this wiki article.

Debugging support is finished, and stable thanks to @dkimitsa!

Using RoboVM

There are pre-built plugins for Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA, for installation take a look at the homepage.

For using the RoboVM Gradle plugin, follow the README in the repository


Join the chat at https://gitter.im/MobiVM/robovm


See the LICENSE files in the various sub directories. Generally, RoboVM is GPL2, with the runtime code being Apache 2 for distribution on iOS.