
Primary LanguagePython


Install poetry. I just installed it from the command line with dnf, but if that doesn't work for you, you can follow these instructions: https://python-poetry.org/docs/

Install cmake and g++, these utilities are used to install tartiflette (the graphql library).

Make sure you have python3.8 installed. Run poetry install in the root of the project. Poetry is supposed to detect the path to the python version specified in pyproject.toml and to create a virtualenv for you. Sometimes it fails tho. You can use the poetry env use $PATH where $PATH is the path to a predefined python environment (I use pyenv to create python environments).

At this point I hope that everything worked smoothly. To jump into the env in the command line you can use the poetry shell command. If you want to configure pycharm to use the poetry env, run poetry env list --full-path and use that environment to configure pycharm.

The application is configured to work with postgres. I'm to lazy to install postgress on my own machine so I just added a docker image in the docker directory. Jump into it and run docker-compose up -d. The database should be up.

Jump into the src directory and run aerich upgrade. This command should run migrations.

To add something into the database and to get a feeling of how things are working you can jump into ipython and run the following code:

import datetime
from main import init_connection
from aiohttpdemo_polls.models import Question

async def create_some_data(): 
    await init_connection() 
    await Question.create(question_text='foo', max_date=datetime.datetime.now().date()) 

from tortoise import run_async

Exit ipython.

Run main.py and the server should be running. Go in your browser at http://localhost:8080 and you should see some weird json representation of the question you just created.

You can also go to http://localhost:8080/graphiql and run the following query:

subscription {
  launchAndWaitCookingTimer(id: 1) {


aiohttp: https://docs.aiohttp.org/en/stable/web.html

tortoise-orm: https://tortoise-orm.readthedocs.io/en/latest/reference.html

aerich (migration tool for tortoise-orm): https://github.com/long2ice/aerich#quick-start

tartiflette: https://tartiflette.io/docs/tutorial/getting-started