A study on packet sniffing and parsing


This article focuses on giving an insight on packet sniffing. It is one of the common attacks hacker perform on networks. It gives the definition of packet sniffing and how its done.

It also includes a python program that performs packet sniffing, and another program that parses the sniffed data. It explains the process involved in sniffing and parsing.

At the end it also discuses on where sniffing is performed and how confidential data could be treated to prevent hackers stealing it by sniffing.


When two computers communicate via a network, they transmit data as packets. Packet sniffing is the process of collecting these packets traveling through the network channel. Intruders use special program called packet sniffer to perform packet sniffing. They could then use parser program to extract meaningful information out of this sniffed packets.

This article focuses on creating a packet sniffer in python. The program will use sockets to listen to a particular IP.

Packet sniffer:

Packet sniffer is a special program that intrudes a network and collects all the packet passing through that network. This article includes 2 files namely sniffer.py and parser.py. Both the files are compatible on a Linux system.

The file sniffer.py collects all the packets passing through the network to which the computer is connected.

To read from or write to a raw socket, sniffer.py first creates a new raw INET(IPv4) socket. This program then goes into an infinite loop listening to a particular port. Terminal will require root access to create raw socket. The output of this program will be non-parsed data.


The output of the file sniffer.py is non readable. parser.py parses this output to convert it into a readable format.

The first 6 bytes are for the Destination MAC address and the next 6 bytes are for the Source MAC. The last 2 bytes are for the Ether Type, The rest includes DATA and CRC Checksum.

The IP header include the following sections:

  • Protocol Version: Current IP protocol(4 bits).

  • Header Length: Length of IP header(4 bits).

  • Type of Service: First 3 bits are precedence bits, then 4 bits for the type of service. Last bit is unused.(8 bits).

  • Total Length: Length of IP datagram(16 bits).

  • Flags: The second bit represents Don’t Fragment bit. When this bit is set, the IP datagram is never fragmented. The third bit represents the More Fragment bit. If this bit is set, then it represents a fragment IP datagram that has more fragment after it(3 bits).

  • Time to Live: Number of hops that IP datagram will go before being discarded(8 bits).

  • Protocol: Transport layer protocol(8 bits).

  • Header Checksum: Hash of the IP datagram(16 bits).

  • Source and destination IP: Source and destination address(32 bit).

The program imports struct and sys module of python. The function ethernet_head(raw_data) uses the unpack method in the struct module to unpack the headers. This function returns the destination MAC, source MAC, protocol, and data.

ipv4_head(raw_data) will unpack the headers using unpack method and returns version, header_length, ttl, protocol source, and destinations IPs. The get_ip(addr) makes the IP address readable.

All these processes unpacks internet layer. Next the program has to unpack transport protocol.

The function tcp_head(raw_data) unpacks the data as per the TCP packet header’s structure.

Similarly ICMP and UDP packets are packets are unpacked in main function according to their structure.

The output will print all the packets that were sniffed.

Application of packet sniffer:

Packet sniffers are mostly used by the ISPs. ISP use packet sniffer to know the sender, receiver, contents, etc.

Advertising agencies use packet sniffer to understand the user and send targeted ads to them.

Hackers use packet sniffers to collect exploitable information. They would then use these information to perform identity theft, confidential information exploitation, etc.

Protection from packet sniffing:

Protection of confidential data could be done using encryption. Encrypted data could be sniffed and unpacked, but it cannot be decrypted without proper key. So the confidential data will be secure even if its sniffed.

Secured Sockets Layer(SSL) and Transport Layer Security(TSL) are two commonly used encryption technique for protection against sniffing.

GitHub repository link for the programs explained in this article.


Phani Sai Teja Janpani (UCSP)

Uvais Mon V V N (WING)

Vignesh V (WING)

Vishal Rai (UCSP)