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In this challenge, it was requested to create a Pomofocus, a pomodoro countdown to focus with 4 sound options.
The page should display a pomodoro timer and user can set timer each 5 minutes.
We have 4 options of sounds: Forest, rainy, a firecamp and a coffee shop.
A button to switch between light and dark mode colors.
I had the oportunity to practice and study:
- Manipulate DOM;
- Event-driven and callbacks;
- ES6 Modules;
- Objects with Factory and Dependency injection.
As a "extra mile" and to chalenge myself I included some features:
- Included pause button to allow user pause the timer (animation toggle between pause and play buttons);
- Stop button reset the timer to the original time defined;
- Volume control can set the volume individualy at same time with other sounds;
- Alert mesage to "maximum 99 minutes" and "minimum 1 minute" to set timer
- User can combine more than one sound;
- Animation "click sound" to pause, play and stop button;
- A hover color in timer control buttons;
- A mobile version.
Just access the link bellow:
Made with 💖 by Daniel Padovani 👋 Entre em contato!
This project is under the MIT license. See the LICENSE for more information.