
Very short testing defs for a variety of purposes. This is where the interesting bits go that you have no immediate use for...but you just have to keep them.

Primary LanguagePython


Very short testing defs for a variety of purposes

:Table of contents


:...... construction .....
: num_01() Array creation using vstack, zip and array filling
: num_02() Using np.linspace with floats instead of np.arange
: num_03() sparse array
: num_04() Sub-dtypes in numpy and array formulation
: num_05() recarray access in numpy

:...... altering ......
: num_06() Changing array types via rounding etc
: num_07() Flatten an array
: num_08() Array size information
: num_09() Transposing 3D arrays
: num_10() Array slicing using the ellipse
: num_11() Slicing arrays
: num_12() Sorting an array
: num_13() Sorting an array revisited (see # 12)
: num_14() Array padding example

:...... working with array data ......
: num_15() Subtracting an array mean and the array
: num_16() Unique values for 1D and 2D arrays
: num_17() Striding arrays demo
: num_18() Condition checking and useage now in numpy.
: num_19() Using linalg, einsum, distance and timing
: num_20() Using fromiter, unique and histo all at once.
: num_21() Rearranging, deleting rows and columns using slicing
: num_22() Reclass arrays
: num_23() Block statistics
: num_24() Concatenate arrays
:...... python ......
: py_01() List comprehension formats
: py_02() List comprehensions alternate outputs
: py_03() formatting output with textwrap

...... matplotlib ......
: mpl_01() Plotting and interpolating
: mpl_02() Construct rectangular geometries


:...... np functions .....
: num_25() Numpy typecheck for array data types
: num_26() masks, nan and data outputs
: num_27() list files in folder
: num_28() place random values/nan in arrays
: num_29() remove string entities using LC's
: num_30() encoding and decoding in python
: num_31() masked_array formatting
: num_32() 2D array to XYZ
: num_33() nested formatting demos
: num_34() Structured arrays
: num_35() math on structured arrays
: num_36() char and recarray construction
: num_37() playing with 3D arrangements...
: num_38() combinations in data
: num_39() recfunctions join

:...... np functions .....
: num_40() np.genfromtext example
: : num_41() Documenting code using inspect
: num_42() list files in folder
: num_43() Blocking an array
: num_44() a variant on array_split
: num_45() bulk create structured array fields
: num_46() Masked array from ill-formed list
: num_47() Block with padding and reshaping
: num_48() Formatting again, using indent and dedent
: num_49() kroneker product and array construction
: num_50() fancy indexing ....
: num_52() Closeness Manahatten
: num_53() formatting output
: num_54() Producing uniform distribution data
: num_55() combinations and frequency


: num_56() Geometric mean calculation
: num_57() transposing and reshaping arrays
: num_58() arrays from uneven lists
: num_59() advanced slicing
: num_60() subtraction between arrays and transposed arrays
: num_61() Unravel indices
: num_62() Products of various kinds
: num_63() quick length/distance demo using row norms from scipy
: num_64() mixing dtypes in arrays
: num_65() index array and booleans
: num_66() savetxt example...
: num_67() datetime operations
: num_68() local minima demo
: num_69() as_strided useage
: num_70() unique on recarrays


:...... np functions .....

: num_71() # slicing and remainders
: num_72() # logical_or and range checking
: num_73() # slicing in structured arrays by condition
: num_74() # Load *.npy files
: num_75() # make random3darrays wth a predetermined shape
: num_76() # produce row/column indices from triu
: num_77() # 2.7 indent function
: num_78() # logical_or, condition checking
: num_79() # bad floating point comparisons

: num_80() # using r_ and c_ for rapid indexing and array construction
: num_81() # sorting arrays by column, revisited
: num_82() # line indentation options
: num_83() # PIL testing
: num_84() # mandelbrot demo
: num_85() # circle search
: num_86() # standardize by rows or columns


:   num_86() # standardize by rows or columns
:   num_87() # Unique in 3d array
: num_88() # nested recarrays
: num_89() # reshape array to row format
: num_90() # sorting two dimensional arrays, lexsort etc
: num_91() # smallest 'x' values in 2D numpy array
: num_92() # gray scale image from rgb
: num_93() # convolve 2d array a with kernel
: num_94() # many plots on screen
: num_95() # working with dates
: num_96() # n smallest in column in sorted order
: num_97() # running 2d maximum
: num_98() # Decimal minute to decimal degree convertor
: num_99() # Decimal, minutes, seconds to decimal degree convertor
: num_100() # degrees, min, sec in separate fields to decimal degrees


: num_101() # sum product, einsum by axis
: num_102() # Structured to ndarray dems
: num_103() # sample plot
: num_104() # fancy slicing
: num_105() # distance calculation, with large arrays
: num_106() # reset counter demo
: num_107() # 2D argmax use
: num_108() # voxel in matplot lib... not available yet
: num_109() # raster band math demo
: num_110() # Where or where is....


: num_111() # create distance matrix as feature class
: num_112() # os.path information
: num_113() # sequential counts for attributes
: num_114() # heat map by sampling and bucketing
: num_115() #
: num_116() # form array patterns
: num_117() # Using a searchcursor in the field calculator
: num_118() # using random.mrand.RandomState
: num_119() # Equation of a plane through 3 points
: num_120() #