
Sample sample scripts and notebooks on processing satellite imagery

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Sample sample scripts and notebooks on processing satellite imagery and Geospatial useful 'things' More scripts to come, hopefully this will be a place to reference in the future

  1. Check out the associated blog post for context related to the fastest image http://www.acgeospatial.co.uk/fastest-image-python/

  2. Associated blog post for context related to Shapefiles on the computer http://www.acgeospatial.co.uk/how-many-shapefiles-on-my-computer/

  3. Associated blog on rasterstats is here http://www.acgeospatial.co.uk/image-reducer-in-python/

  4. Associated blog on OpenCV and Leaflet is here http://www.acgeospatial.co.uk/opencv-and-leaflet-web-mapping/

  5. Associated blog on GeoPandas and Jupyter notebooks is here http://www.acgeospatial.co.uk/geopandas-shapefiles-jupyter/

  6. Associated blog on Unsupervised classification with Python and Sentinel 2 is here http://www.acgeospatial.co.uk/k-means-sentinel-2-python/

  7. Associated blog on sentinelsat (downloading Sentinel 2 images using Python) is here http://www.acgeospatial.co.uk/sentinelsat_demo/

  8. Associated blog on plotting rasters and vectors and clipping is here http://www.acgeospatial.co.uk/simple-plotting/

  9. Associated blog on COG and clipping a Landsat 8 image and downloading (& plotting) http://www.acgeospatial.co.uk/cog-part-2-python/