Answer Digital .NET TechTest

⚠️ Do not fork this repository. Download a copy and push to your own repository. ⚠️

This technical test has 7 steps that you will need to complete. When running it prior to any steps, you will get an error due to a missing functionality.

  • Steps 1-3 : PeopleController.cs
  • Step 4 : colour-names-value-converter.ts
  • Step 5 : person.ts
  • Step 6 : people-list.html
  • Step 7 : person-edit.ts

Each of the steps will have instructions as to what is expected to be done. Do not remove the TODO instructions.



  • Run npm install in src/TechTest.
  • Open TechTest.sln in your preferred IDE.
  • Search for the TODO items and work your way through steps 1 to 7.
  • Send your finished solution to your recruiter or to Emma Andrews if applying direct.


Before submission, make sure to remove the following folders:

  • src/TechTest/node_modules
  • src/TechTest/bin
  • src/TechTest/obj
  • test/TechTest.Tests/bin
  • test/TechTest.Tests/obj

Or you could run the cleanup.bat and it should clean the folders for you.