
The "Hello, world" for MV* frameworks

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Build Status Coverage Status

Always Do!

A fun instantly updating single page application to-do list app made using Angular.js & Node!

Made in one weekend at Makers Academy.



How to use?

Simply visit: http://boiling-sierra-2999.herokuapp.com/index.html or download and run 'npm start' in root.

Enter your to-do list items, and click to clear once you've completed them!

Click buttons to filter by, or clear completed items.

How to run tests?

As this was an experiment with new JS technologies there's a number of different tests which can be run:

As setup, please run 'webdriver-manager start' to allow protractors headless browser to work correctly.

You can then run 'karma start test/unit/karma.conf.js' to run the unit tests.

protractor test/e2e/conf.js to run feature tests of the application.

Or you can run the work in progress tests on the backend server, by running 'npm start', then typing 'grunt'.

How to contribute?

All feedback most welcome, simply comment, email, or send pull request!

User Stories

As a forgetful person
I want to store my tasks
So that I don't forget them

As a person with limited time
I want to instantly be able to update my todo list (adding and changing entries)
So that I have more time to think about other things

As a person who actually gets stuff done
I want to mark my tasks as done
So that I don't do them twice

As a person with a lot of tasks
I want to be able to filter my tasks by "All", "Active", "Complete"
So that I only see the relevant tasks

As a person who doesn't like counting by hand
I want to see a total number of tasks
So that I don't have to count

As someone who has done lots of stuff
I want to be able to clear my completed tasks
So I never see them again


Below is some ideas i'd like to continue with to further this app:

  • Continue with work in progress persistance layer using Node to serve an api which updates a MongoDB/Mongoose db.

  • Make more mobile friendly with Bootstrap or Foundation.

  • Implemetning test suites with CI.

  • Further automation of tests with grunt.

  • Refactor angular controllers further.

As ever, thanks for reading!