
A set of exercises for learning Clojure

Primary LanguageClojure

Learning Clojure using Koans (thanks to https://github.com/functional-koans/clojure-koans ), using Visual Studio Code and Calva


Visual Studio Code

From https://code.visualstudio.com/download

Calva plugin


  • Java
  • Clojure

Have a look at: https://clojure.org/guides/install_clojure


Once you have the project opened in Visual Studio Code, press:


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Choose the > Calva Start a project REPL and connect to it. Then choose deps.edn

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A new window will appear and it will end with "Jack-in done"

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Then open src/01_equalities.clj

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and evaluate the first form:

Presss Option+Enter with the cursor right after

(ns koans.01-equalities
  (:require [koan-engine.core :refer :all]))

Then evaluate the second form:

Presss Option+Enter with the cursor right after

(= __ true)

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This will show you in the repl window:

  • clj꞉koans.01-equalities꞉>  ; Execution error (ExceptionInfo) at koans.01-equalities/eval7638 (REPL:4). ; We shall contemplate truth by testing reality, via equality ; (= __ true)

meaning you need to say what is equal to true.

Fixing it:

(= true true)

and reevaluating the form will give you the next exercise to solve:

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  • clj꞉koans.01-equalities꞉>  ; Execution error (ExceptionInfo) at koans.01-equalities/eval7888 (REPL:4). ; To understand reality, we must compare our expectations against reality ; (= __ (+ 1 1))