Stories in Ready

Surprise Jalapeño: NewsMapper

Build Status

Search by location to get top news from around the globe.


  • Product Owner: Corwin Crownover
  • Scrum Master: Mike Zarivny
  • Development Team Members: Teague Ashburn, Drew Ulick

Table of Contents

  1. Usage
  2. Requirements
  3. Development
    1. Installing Dependencies
    2. Tasks
  4. Team
  5. Contributing


Search by location to find top news for the area. Make sure you have the environment variable 'alchemy' set to the alchemy api key To launch the app, install the dependencies and run 'grunt'. Then navigate to the server's ip address. (Defaults to: localhost:3000)


  • Node 0.10.x
  • Npm 3.x
  • React
  • Express
  • MySQL
  • Babel
  • Chai
  • Mocha
  • Sinon
  • ESLint
  • Grunt
  • Supertest
  • Webpack
  • Bluebird
  • D3
  • jQuery
  • Knex
  • Morgan
  • Path
  • React-Geosuggest
  • Request

See package.json for complete list of dependencies.


Installing Dependencies

From within the root directory:

npm install -g webpack
npm install -g grunt-cli
npm install


View the project roadmap here


See for contribution guidelines.

Additional Notes

- You may need to install the Node v6.5 to get npm v3 in order to bypass a blocking Grunt bug where incorrect dependency versions are read.