
BudgeTea is a simple, free, and open source tool used to manage your budget.

Primary LanguageGo


About BudgeTea

BudgeTea is a simple tool to manage your budget. The application should be able to store expenses divided into a monthly spending reports where you can also see every expense and how much it cost.

User is able to set their monthly budget, add expenses, view their spending report in the app where they will be able to also export them as a spreadsheat (.csv format).

When user wants to export their report they will have an option to export:

  • Expenses for the current month
  • Expenses from a past month
  • All expenses


Add an Expense

User will be able to enter:

  • Name of the expense (store, item, etc...)
  • Category of the expense
    • Rent
    • Other bills
    • Grocieries
    • Travel
    • Hobbies
    • Miscelanious
  • Price (in a supported denomination)
    • Supported denominations:
      • Swedish Crown (SEK)
      • Euros (EUR)
      • American Dollars (USD)

See Expenses:

The user will be able to see how much money they spent this month, whether they are under or above their selected budget and how much. Here the user can also choose whether they want to download their expense report either for a specific month or all time expense report. Individual expenses will be seen in these reports. When creating a report all expenses will be converted into the denomination set in the Preferences section. The user will also be able to find and edit a specific expense.


The user will be able to edit their budget and preferred denomination.

Entity Relationship Diagram

Diagram showing between multiple entities in the database ER Diagram



Binaries (executable files) for Windows and Linux will be found in the binaries folder



  • Download GoLang
  • Setup prerequisits for Fyne listed on their website


  1. Clone BudgeTea Either download it as zip or run git clone https://github.com/DanDovhun/BudgetManager.git in your terminal/command line

  2. Navigate into the directory Using your command line run cd /path/to/BudgeTea/src

  3. Make sure that all dependencies are set up properly Execute these 3 commands:

    go get fyne.io/fyne/v2

    go get fyne.io/fyne/v2/cmd/fyne

    go mod tidy

  4. Build Run the command go build, after which an executable file named BudgeTea (on Linux/MacOS) or BudgeTea.exe shall appear in the same directory.