Teeny Tiny Interpreter

This small interpreter is based on the project Teeny Tiny Compiler by Austin Z. Henley. Please read his excellent tutorial Let's make a Teeny Tiny compiler, part 1 as well as Part 2 and Part 3.

Here is an implementation of the compiler (./src/teeny/parserCompiler.ts), which is based on the tutorial and will transpile the Teeny code to C.

The interpreter is an adaption of the tutorial (./src/teeny/parserInterpreter.ts) and will execute the Teeny Tiny code directly. It is written in TypeScript and can run in the browser or via Bun, which can execute the TypeScript code directly.

bun run src/teeny/interpreterScript.ts teeny/hello.teeny 

or run the compiler

bun run src/teeny/compilerScript.ts teeny/hello.teeny 

Web version

The web version is a simple Vue.js app. It can be started with:

# install dependencies
npm install

# run dev server
npm run dev