
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Angular example

The JavaScript files are in app The HTML templates are in /views. Both are fully commented. Since the JavaScript is compiled into file, it needs a main entry point which is app/index.js.

To run, first run npm install. Then to start the server, npm start and to compile the client-side JavaScript to a single file, npm run webpack.

The first example app is at http://localhost:3000/ and uses app/app.js and views/index.html.

The second is at http://localhost:3000/ajax and uses app/ajax.js and views/ajax.html.*

The third is at http://localhost:3000/routes and uses app/routes.js and views/routes.html.

To test, run npm test and go to that URL in a browser. There is one example test, which test the ajax module, found in /spec/ajaxSpec.js. Again. this is fully commented.

One area I've not covered is directives. Every angular attribute or element such as ng-click, ng-controller, ng-repeat etc is a directive. You can define your own, but don't often need to. For more information see https://docs.angularjs.org/guide/directive.

*ajax.js is the first introduction to promises, the greatest invention in JavaScript ever. If you learn nothing else, learn promises. You can also do them in jQuery; they are called deferred. An example - https://api.jquery.com/deferred.then/ - see the jQuery.get example about half way down.