RekoCLI is a custom python lightweight CLI sitting on top of Amazon Rekognition CLI. It provides with hgigher level of abstraction commands and easier to read output. Facilitates better demos and more insights on the results. It leverages "cmd" package to create a nice CLI interface flow. It also uses the AWS boto3 python library.
This CLI can run on any EC2 instance where AWS CLI lives and any other Linux with AWS CLI Check Amazon Rekognition if you are not familiar with this image/video metadata extraction service.
List of avaialble commands in the tool. You can always use command help to get number/type of arguments and useful information.
coll: List collections
newcoll: Create new collection
listfaces: list faces in a collection
addface: add faces to a collection
startface: start face analysis job
resultface: get results from a face analysis job
startlabel: start label detection job of a given video
resultlabel: get the results from a label detection job
starttrack: start a tracking job
resulttrack get the the results from a tracking job
q exits the CLI
Before using this CLI:
1) Configure AWS CLI tool with your region.
2)Make sure your instance has a role to allow rekognition and S3 permission
3)Make sure you have a bucket with the images, videos and a SNS Topic ARN and its ServiceRole ARN ready, all in the same region. Enjoy!