A simple React advice generator, using Typescript and Tailwind.
- General Info
- Technologies Used
- Features
- Setup
- Usage
- Project Status
- Room for Improvement
- Contact
- License
This project was created with the purpose of learning Typescript and Tailwind.
The intention was to take on a frontendmentor challenge and create an usable advice generator with the help of state of the art technology.
- Typescript - version 4.6.2
- React - version 17.0.2
- Tailwind - version 3.0.23
- Styled page with card for displaying advices, another advice can be created per click on a button
- Responsive features for several widths
- Loading screen, if there is no advice yet
For running it on your local environment first:
npm install or yarn install
To run development server:
npm start or yarn start
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result. For a full list of dependencies take a look at package.json.
If you want to use this app, you have to change addresses and link to your own sites!
For this project is nothing else necessary, the consumed API needs no key.
You can get advices per click on a button
Project is: incomplete
The Project will work fine.
Some of the types in the interface must be changed.
This is the advanced version of my advice generator.
- Adding lightmode
Created by @DanGoer - feel free to contact me!
Feel free to use this code for your own projects!