- Users can add products to their shopping cart from the index page with AJAX.
- Users can click on a product and show/hide the product detail using AJAX.
- Users can remove items from the shopping cart without a page reload. The "delete" link should result in the item being removed from the shopping cart and the total price being updated.
- PostgreSQL
- Ruby/Rails
This project serves as practice with the Ruby on Rails framework and AJAX. Moreover, the purpose of this project was to take an existing project, refactor and debug the code to get to functionality. This project creates a faux E-Commerce site capable of displaying products, adding products to a cart, updating the cart to reflect user additions and deletions, and also implements the bcrypt gem to authenticate users as either admins or basic users.
Email: danjacob@dan.com
Password: 123456
- Clone this project into your Desktop directory
git clone https://github.com/DanJacobCodes/went-to-bali-mwahaha
- In a separate terminal window launch postgres
- Bundle all gems to ensure that application dependencies are running
bundle install
- Change into this directory and create and initialize the database
cd Product-Reviews
rake db:create
rake db:migrate
- Seed Database
rake db:seed
- Follow Stripe API Instructions to checkout with Stripe
- To run the server and view the application run the following in the terminal:
SECRET_KEY=sk_test_BQokikJOvBiI2HlWgH4olfQ2 rails s
- Entering in Credit Card Credentials
- Enter the special credit card number: 4242 4242 4242 4242
- A three-digit CVC of your choice
- And any expiration date in the future
- Finally, navigate to localhost:3000 in the browser of your choice
- Ruby
- Ruby on Rails
- PostgreSQL
- Stripe API
Ruby version 2.3.1
Rails version 5.1.2
Should any issues occur, contact me @dansamueljacob@gmail.com