
The addon provides a storageFor computed property that returns a proxy and persists the changes to localStorage or sessionStorage. It ships with an ember-data adapter.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Ember localStorage

Build Status Ember Observer Score Greenkeeper badge

The addon provides a storageFor computed property that returns a proxy and persists the changes to localStorage or sessionStorage. It works with objects and arrays and has a generator to create the proxy objects or arrays.

It ships with an ember-data adapter that works almost the same as the JSONAPIAdapter with some relationship sugar added.

The idea was taken from Tom Dale's gist Ember Array that writes every change to localStorage and extended to objects. The storageFor API was inspired by Ember State Services.


  • ember install ember-local-storage




The documentation is for versions >= 1.0.0 if you are looking for older versions look here.

If you upgrade from a version <= 0.1.5 you need to set a legacyKey on the computed storageFor:

export default Ember.Component.extend({
  settings: storageFor('settings', { legacyKey: 'your-old-key' })

Object & Array


Run ember g storage -h for all options.

ember g storage stats
// will generate a localStorage object

ember g storage stats -s
// will generate a sessionStorage object
// app/storages/stats.js
import StorageObject from 'ember-local-storage/local/object';

const Storage = StorageObject.extend();

  initialState() {
    return { counter: 0 };

export default Storage;
// app/controllers/application.js
import Ember from 'ember';
import { storageFor } from 'ember-local-storage';

export default Ember.Controller.extend({
  stats: storageFor('stats'),

  actions: {
    countUp() {
    resetCounter() {
      // or
      // this.get('stats').reset();
      // this.set('stats.counter', 0);
{{! app/templates/application.hbs}}
<button {{action "countUp"}}>Page Visits: {{stats.counter}}</button>
<button {{action "resetCounter"}}>X</button>


Run ember g storage -h for all options.

ember g storage anonymous-likes -a
// will generate a localStorage array

ember g storage anonymous-likes -a -s
// will generate a sessionStorage array
// app/storages/anonymous-likes.js
import StorageArray from 'ember-local-storage/local/array';

const Storage = StorageArray.extend();

// Uncomment if you would like to set initialState
// Storage.reopenClass({
//   initialState() {
//     return [];
//   }
// });

export default Storage;
// app/components/like-item.js
import Ember from 'ember';
import { storageFor } from 'ember-local-storage';

export default Ember.Component.extend({
  anonymousLikes: storageFor('anonymous-likes'),

  isLiked: computed('id', function() {
    return this.get('anonymousLikes').includes(this.get('id'));

  actions: {
    like: function(id) {
{{! app/templates/components/like-item.hbs}}
{{#unless isLiked}}
  <button {{action "like" id}}>Like it</button>
  You like it!

storageFor options

storageFor(key, model, options)

key String - The filename of the storage (e.g. stats)

model Optional string - The dependent property. Must be an ember data model or an object with modelName and id properties. (It is still experimental)

options are:

  • legacyKey String


The following methods work on StorageObject and StorageArray


You can call .isInitialContent() to determine if content is equal to initialState. Returns a boolean.


You can invoke .reset() to reset the content to the initialState.


You can invoke .clear() to remove the content from xStorage.

Adapter & Serializer

Important: The Adapter works with ember-data versions >= 1.13 because it depends on JSONAPIAdapter.

If your app is a pure LocalStorage app you just need to create the application adapter and serializer:

// app/adapters/application.js
export { default } from 'ember-local-storage/adapters/local';
// or export { default } from 'ember-local-storage/adapters/session';

// app/serializers/application.js
export { default } from 'ember-local-storage/serializers/serializer';

If you already use Ember Data for non LocalStorage models you can use a per type adapter and serializer.

// app/adapters/post.js
export { default } from 'ember-local-storage/adapters/local';
// or export { default } from 'ember-local-storage/adapters/session';

// app/serializers/post.js
export { default } from 'ember-local-storage/serializers/serializer';

If you use namespaced models e.g. blog/post you have to add the modelNamespace property to the corresponding adapter:

// app/adapters/blog/post.js
import Adapter from 'ember-local-storage/adapters/local';
// or import Adapter from 'ember-local-storage/adapters/session';

export default Adapter.extend({
  modelNamespace: 'blog'


Your model is a DS.Model with two new relationship options

// app/models/post.js
import DS from 'ember-data';

const {
} = DS;

export default Model.extend({
  name: attr('string'),

  comments: hasMany('comment', { async: true, dependent: 'destroy' })

// app/models/comment.js
import DS from 'ember-data';

const {
} = DS;

export default Model.extend({
  name: attr('string'),

  post: belongsTo('post', { async: true, autoSave: true })


  • dependent can be used in hasMany relationships to destroy the child records when the parent record is destroyed.
  • autoSave can be used in belongsTo relationships to update the association on the parent. It's recommended to use it.

.query() & .queryRecord()

As per ember guides you can query for attributes:

  // with a string
  this.store.query('post', { filter: { name: 'Just a name' } });

  // or a regex
  this.store.query('post', { filter: { name: /^Just(.*)/ } });

Querying relationships also works:

// belongsTo
// get posts from user '123'
this.store.query('post', { filter: { user: '123' } });
this.store.query('post', { filter: { user: { id: '123' } } });
// or regex
this.store.query('post', { filter: { user: /^12/ } });
this.store.query('post', { filter: { user: { id: /^12/ } } });

// belongsTo polymorphic
// get posts from editors
this.store.query('post', { filter: { user: { type: 'editor' } } });
this.store.query('post', { filter: { user: { type: /^ed(.*)ors$/ } } }); // you need to use the plural
// get posts from editor '123'
this.store.query('post', { filter: { user: { id: '123', type: 'editor' } } });
this.store.query('post', { filter: { user: { id: '123', type: /^ed(.*)ors$/ } } }); // you need to use the plural

// hasMany
// get users who've contributed to project.id = 123
this.store.query('user', { filter: { projects: '123' } });
this.store.query('user', { filter: { projects: { id: '123' } } });
// or regex
this.store.query('user', { filter: { projects: /^12/ });
this.store.query('user', { filter: { projects: { id: /^12/ } } });

// hasMany polymorphic
// get users with cats
this.store.query('user', { filter: { pets: { type: 'cat' } } });
// get users with cat '123'
this.store.query('user', { filter: { pets: { id: '123', type: 'cat' } }) };
// get users with cats AND dogs
this.store.query('user', { filter: { pets: [{ type: 'cat' }, { type: 'dog' }] } });
// get users with cats OR dogs
this.store.query('user', { filter: { pets: { type: /cats|dogs/ } } }); // you need to use the plural

You can use queryRecord to return only one record. See the guides for an example.

Export & Import

The addon ships with an initializer that enables export and import of you LocalStorage data. You have to add fileExport option to the environment.js:

// config/environment.js
module.exports = function() {
  var ENV = {
    'ember-local-storage': {
      fileExport: true

The initializer provides exportData() and importData() on the store. Both return a Promise.

import Ember from 'ember';

const {
} = Ember;

export default Route.extend({
  readFile: function(file) {
    const reader = new FileReader();

    return new Ember.RSVP.Promise((resolve) => {
      reader.onload = function(event) {
          file: file.name,
          type: file.type,
          data: event.target.result,
          size: file.size

  actions: {
    importData: function(event) {
        .then((file) => {
    exportData: function() {
        ['posts', 'comments'],
        {download: true, filename: 'my-data.json'}

importData(content, options)

content can be a JSON API compliant object or a JSON string

options are:

  • json Boolean (default true)
  • truncate Boolean (default true) if true the existing data gets replaced.
  • reload Boolean (default true) if true the data gets loaded into the store after import.

exportData(types, options)

types Array of types to export. The types must be pluralized.

options are:

  • json Boolean (default true)
  • download Boolean (default false)
  • filename String (default ember-data.json)


Running Tests

  • npm test (Runs ember try:each to test your addon against multiple Ember versions)
  • ember test
  • ember test --server


  • ember build


ember github-pages:commit --message "New gh-pages release"

ember release
npm publish

For more information on using ember-cli, visit https://ember-cli.com/.