Team Seven Samurai is planning to build a endless side scroller pc game named SwingMan.
The game can be described as an endless side scroller with the objective of avoiding the floor which is lava. The user can avoid the floor by swinging from the ceilings using a throwing grapple. The user will tackle obstacles and be assigned points given their performance
- C++14 ISO/IEC 14882
- SDL 2.0
- You will need to install sdl2 and all of its dependencies, just place the DLL files into the same directory as the .exe
- Just simply run the .exe file
Contributors names and contact info
Daniyal Maniar
Husnain Haider @mhh16
Walter Karabin @WalterKarabin
Nick Jones @nickjones18
Daniel Tavernese @DanielTavernese
Howie Zuo @howieeeeeeeeeeeeee
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details
Inspiration taken from the PS2 spider man game, and Fire Rides