
jb35640-12 training metirials

Primary LanguageShell


news (updated on May 26th, 2019)

  1. more exercises on k8s you may find here: https://www.katacoda.com/courses/kubernetes

news (updated on May 19th, 2019)

  1. under "Training Sessions" directory there is the updated meetings scheduler https://interactive.linuxacademy.com/diagrams/ThePodofMinerva.html

news (updated on May 15th, 2019)

  1. under "Training Sessions" directory there is the updated meetings scheduler
  2. here some exercise for Ansible

news (updated on May 3rd, 2019)

Class practice was uploaded here

news (updated on Apr 28th, 2019)

Class Practice answer:

node {
   stage('Preparation') {
	  git 'https://github.com/zivkashtan/course.git'
   stage('Build') {
	  def mvnHome = tool name: '3.6', type: 'maven'
      sh "'${mvnHome}/bin/mvn' -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore clean package"
	  writeFile file: "Dockerfile", text: """
			FROM tomcat:8.0.20-jre8
			COPY ./web/target/*.war /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/
		sh "docker build -t time-tracker:${env.BUILD_ID} ."

		sh """
		  docker login -u admin -p admin123 localhost:8123
		  docker tag time-tracker:${env.BUILD_ID} localhost:8123/time-tracker:latest
		  docker push localhost:8123/time-tracker:latest

news (updated on Mar 31th, 2019)

  • maven issues:

    after investigating, the root cause for mvn not working properly, is fact maven was installed with older version, here is the fix:

wget https://www-us.apache.org/dist/maven/maven-3/3.6.0/binaries/apache-maven-3.6.0-bin.tar.gz -P /tmp
sudo tar xf /tmp/apache-maven-*.tar.gz -C /opt
sudo ln -s /opt/apache-maven-3.6.0 /opt/maven
sudo ln -s /opt/maven/bin/mvn /usr/local/bin/mvn
mvn --version

What we are going to do today:

  • translating jenkins "free-style" job into pipeline
  • deploying the output artifact into a target server:
    • how to deploy using jenkins node agent
    • using a "push method" from jenkins
  • introduction to docker

news (updated on Mar 20th, 2019)


news (updated on Mar 20th, 2019)

  • Finally succeed with pushing you the HW :)
  • Several quizzes will be published today & every week
  • 2 more HW tasks will submitted soon
  • please Open an Issue when you got Question
  • if you want conf call tomorrow (Fri 22th), I will send the link
  • will send more materials soon :)

news (updated on Mar 3rd, 2019)

  • HW from the 20190227, cay be delivered on Wen, 6th Mar 2019.
  • on the lesson today we will review the HW & perform Introduction to the DevOps world
  • HW for next lesson is on the air, at home-works/20190227/readme.md
  • 2 new items added to guide-book:
    • vagrant @ guide-book/devops-tools.vagrant.md
    • tomcat @ guide-book/operational-servers/tomcat.md
  • in the HW, you may skip the park to installing wetty

TODO (@danielm):

  • add inside the guidebook linux commands references

enjoy your weekend, I'm available for any other questions