Knapsack Maze include graphic interface made with pygame

Hunting for Items in Maze, get items according to best cost benefit and the available weight in the backpack.


Name University Registration GitHub Email
Daniel Maike Mendes Gonçalves 16/0117003 DanMke
Lucas Pereira de Andrade Macêdo 15/0137397 lukassxp


  • git clone

  • pip3 install -r requirements.txt --user


  • python3

Game History

You are a bounty hunter, who earns his living by searching for valuable items in the legendary MAZE ADVENTURES and selling them at PAWNSHOP, located just outside the maze. However, you are very fond of your DORA THE EXPLORER backpack and you never carry more weight than it takes, otherwise you risk ruining it. Your challenge then is to always choose the best combinations of items trying to earn as much money as possible but without carrying too much weight and end up ripping your beautiful backpack.


  • In this branch is available the version of the game for Full HD resolution.
  • To use the version with HD resolution, go to the RESOLUTION_HD branch.


tela_inicial Home screen, you can choose between three maze generation algorithms.

gerando_labirinto Generating Labyrinth

tela_do_jogo Game screen, you can pick up the items when you are on top with it (T), to finish the game just go to the market and press the (F) key.

tela_final When you give up by pressing the (Q) key or ending the game, the program shows the best items to pick up and the best possible value.