Builiding replica of MSE-6 Mouse Droid from Star Wars for fun.
The droid is remote controlled and sounds 4 different sounds in loop.
Last update- 14/09/22.
- 2 Arduino Nano Microcontrollers
- 4 hobbist DC motors
- Sound Module DY-SV8F loaded with 4 different sounds
- 2 RF module nrf24l01
In order to power to the droid you'll need two 9V batteries and one 9V battery for the remote. Then Switch on the remote control.
The remote has 2 joysticks.
- The left joystick is for controlling the speed of the motors.
- Up Position- NULL
- Down Position- highest speed
- Middle Position- no movement
- Right Position- NULL
- Left Position- NULL
- The right joystick is for controling the direction of the Droid.
- Up Position- forward
- Down Position- highest speed
- Middle Position- no movement
- Right Position- turn right
- Left Position- turn left
- The left joystick is for controlling the speed of the motors.
While the Droid is powered the sound module will keep sounding 4 different sounds in loop.