
Secure JavaScript APIs with JSON Web Token

Primary LanguageJavaScript

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.

System Requirements for Course

Before running the project, please make sure you have the following:

  • Node.js LTS version which can be found here. The course is upto date using this version at all times.
  • Please refer to the help section below to resolve most common questions.


- Can I use my own IDE to develop the project during the course ?

Yes, feel free to use your own IDE for the course.

- How do I check my Node version ?

To check your current Node.js version, open your terminal and type the command below to see your current Node.js version.

node -v

- How do I install Node.js LTS version on my machine ?

If you do not have the Node.js LTS version on your machine, you can download using either of the following:

  1. Please go here and download the LTS version of Node.js installable file for your operating system.

  2. Alternatively, you can use Node Version Manager (nvm) to install LTS version of Node.js in case you do not want to delete the existing Node version on your machine.
    NVM allows you to use multiple Node versions on your machine and prevent disrupting other projects you may be running with different Node versions.

- How do I use nvm to install Node.js ?

Click on this link and follow the instructions provided in their README.md file to install nvm on your machine depending on your platform.

- Should I install npm separately ?

No, npm comes with Node.js No matter what approach you use to install Node.js, npm will always come with it.

- How do I check my npm version ?

Open your terminal and type the command below to get your npm version.

npm -v

- What version of npm comes with LTS version of Node.js ?

Click on this click and the npm version should be mentioned under the title Downloads. You must ensure that the npm version and node version should match with what is mentioned on this official page.

- What is the version of Material-UI used for this course ?

This course uses v4.0.0 of Material-UI library

- What is the React version need for this course ?

We are using react >=16.8.0 and react-dom >= 16.8.0 at all times. All the dependecies needed to run this project will be available in package.json file. You do not have to worry about finding the peer dependencies to run the project. All you need are the 2 following commands to get started as long as you have the right version of Node.

npm install

npm start

Alternatively, you can also use yarn command.

yarn install

yarn start

- Do I need Webpack or Babel to run this project ?

No, You don’t need to install or configure tools. You just need the LTS version of Node.js and the npm version that comes with it. They are preconfigured and hidden so that you can focus on the code.

- Which browser are we using for this course ?

We shall be using the latest version of Chrome as of today. Be sure to install/update Chrome on your computer.

- How do I open Chrome Browser in Mobile View ?

  • To open Chrome in Mobile view mode using Mac, press Command+Option+i

- How do I run the Client application in browser?

To run the app in the development mode, Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser. We are using Chrome Developer console in this course.

Where is the Node server running?

Your server is will run at port 5000 and the URL for server APIs is http://localhost:5000.

Is it mandatory to use Material-UI library for Styling?

No, feel free to use simple CSS for styling or any other styling library you like. The focus of this course is to understand the use of JSON Web Token to secure the backend APIs and the front end styling is just an extra beautification layer.

How to test the backend APIs using CLI and Postman?

Install Postman on your machine and start creating the collections where you can keep track of the API end points currently under testing. They have extensive documentation on how to use the tool. in case your are interested.

I am running into issues when installing bcrypt library. How do I resolve them?

Install bcrypt from npm using the commands below. Note that node-gyp should be installed globally for the most recent Operating System on Mac which is Catalina.

npm install -g node-gyp
npm install --save bcrypt

What user credentials are used in the Bookie App?

Below are the credentials you may want to use when logging to the app as member or admin.





How do I start the server?

Go inside the server/ directory and run teh command below.

node server.js

Note: Make sure you restart your server each time you checkout a new branch for every module and for every code change in the server side code.

Git Branches

Checkout the branches listed below as you progress through different modules.






There are 2 git branches used in this module.

To send JWT in a Cookie, checkout module04_jwt_security_cookies

To send JWT in Auth Header Bearer Token, checkout module04_jwt_security_bearer_token

Below are the contents of variables.env file.





Below are some good questions and answers by the community on StackOverflow.