
WireMock Cloud utility to clean up stubs for a given mock API based on response status codes

Primary LanguageShell

WireMock Cloud API Cleanup By Response Code Tool

This bash script utility deletes all stubs within a given WireMock Cloud API that have a given response code. It is especially useful when a proxy recording was used to add new stubs, but the recorder was configured incorrectly resulting in many stubs being added with 4xx or 5xx response codes.

If any stubs are found with the configured response code, the Mock API will first be exported to a local file for backup purposes. The backfile will contain the name of the Mock API and a date/time stamp.


  • bash shell
  • curl
  • jq
  • sed

Steps to use

  1. Save a copy of mockAPIcleanByRspCode.sh
  2. Make the file executable chmod +x mockAPIcleanByRspCode.sh
  3. Edit the script in your preferred text editor
    • replace <your mock api url base> with the url prefix for the WireMock Cloud mock API you want to affect
    • replace <email address of user with write access to the mock api> with your WireMock Cloud user email address
    • replace <user's API token> with your API token taken from https://app.wiremock.cloud/account/api
    • replace 501 with a different http status code that you would like to target for deletion
    • save and exit
  4. Run the script ./mockAPIcleanByRspCode.sh