
Compression algorithm for numerical lists. Output is encoded as an image, and usually beats gzip. Browser or Nodejs

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Build Status

Compression algorithm for numerical lists. Output is encoded as an image, and beats gzip. Browser + Nodejs



Examples can be found in the demo.html, and convert.js files.

How to use

The library can be used in both the browser, and nodejs. The browser version is currently greatly preferrable, as it allows saving and loading images in WebP format, which is much smaller than the PNG alternative. Though Nodejs can also be used, I was not able to figure out how to save and read WebP format, so PNG is the only option. WebP is the preferrable format, as it matches, and marginally beats gzip, whereas PNG is slightly bigger.

Pretty charts from benchmarks to follow soon, but you can already see the results in the 'benchmarks data' folder

Converting to image

IMGArrays.toIMG(array, {alpha, file, width, capacity})

array - Array |Uint8ClampedArray

The array of data to convert. This can be either a Uint8ClampedArray, or an array of numbers that will get converted to Uint8ClampedArray

alpha - Boolean (Optional) - Default: false

Whether to use the alpha channel for storing data. The file size is not affected, but the image dimensions are smaller, when used.

file - String

For Nodejs use. Gives the file path to write to. Required to switch to the nodejs logic, instead of the browser's.

capacity - int - Default: 1

How many characters of metadata to use per value. More information and explanation on this to follow, but in short, 0 is for normalized values, 1 (default) for values up to 99999999, and 2 for values up to 999999999999999. Smaller capacities use smaller file sizes.

lDecZeroes - bool - Default: true

Whether to use a metadata character to encode leading decimal zeroes. This can be turned off, for example, if the values encoded are not decimal, or you are absolutely sure none of them have decimal values that start with 0.

Converting from image

IMGArrays.fromIMG(data, {alpha, capacity})

data - Uint8ClampedArray|HTMLImageElement|string

The image data to parse. This can be an image element, when using the browser. For reading from a file, when using nodejs, this can be a string for the file path to read from. Finally, it can be a Uint8ClampedArray, in either case.

alpha - Boolean (Optional) - Default: false

Whether to use the alpha channel, when parsing. You need to make sure that alpha was used when converting, if using this option.

capacity - int - Default: 1

The capacity to use for parsing. Must be the same as the value used when converting to an image.


You can use the included IMGArrays.normalize and IMGArrays.unnormalize functions to normalize your data, to allow you to use the lowest capacity size.

The IMGArrays.normalize returns an object containing the minValue, and maxValue, needed when using IMGArrays.unnormalize. Example:

const data = [1,2,3,-5,0.4,2]
const {minVal, maxVal} = IMGArrays.normalize(data)
// data == [0.75, 0.875, 1, 0, 0.675, 0.875]
// minVal = -5
// maxVal = 3
IMGArrays.unnormalize(data, -5, 3)
// data == [1,2,3,-5,0.4,2]