
UF-2000M is an ultrasonic energy meter that has a Modbus interface this app reads live or text feed that shows the time of the reading followed by some registers values, these value are in decimal format that have to be decoded to REAL4/Float, LONG, INTEGER, BIT, or BCD.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

TUF-2000M is an ultrasonic energy meter that has a Modbus interface this app reads live or text feed that shows the time of the reading followed by some registers values, these value are in decimal format that have to be decoded to REAL4/Float, LONG, INTEGER, BIT, or BCD. then charted/graphed. Note that TUF-2000M has over 1500 registers! for example the date and time are held in 3 registers : register 53 to register 55, BCD binary coded dicimal: 6 Bytes of BCD stands SMHDMY, lower byte first.