
Fast, lightweight Scala Http framework

Primary LanguageScalaMIT LicenseMIT

Scalene - Fast and Lightweight Scala I/O Framework

Scala CI

Scalene is a multi-threaded, asynchronous, reactive TCP I/O framework primarily focused on building HTTP servers.

Notice : This project is just getting started! Lots of core functionality works but it's missing lots of features and probably super buggy, maybe you can help with that?

Probably best to just start with some examples. The obligatory hello-world:

import scalene.routing._
import BasicConversions._
object Main extends App {

  val route = GET / "hello" as "Hello, World!".ok

  val settings = Settings.basic("example", 8080)

  Routing.start(settings, route)

Here's something a little more complex

//type-safe data extraction from requests
val sumRoute = "sum" / ![Int] / ![Int] to {case (a,b) => 
  (a + b).ok

//easily define your own custom data extractors
case class NonZeroInt(value: Int)

def nonZeroInt(name: String): Extractor[NonZeroInt] = ![Int]
  .filter{_ != 0, s"${name} must be nonzero"}

val Dividend = nonZeroInt("dividend")

//once you define an extractor, you can use it to extract data from any part of the request...

//extract from the path
val quotientRoute = "quotient" / ![Int] / Dividend to {case (a,b) =>
  (a / b.value).ok

//or extract from other parts
val otherQuotientRoute = {
  //routes are built as a combination of parsers
  val path: RouteBuilder[Unit]          = Path("other-quotient")
  val queryParam: RouteBuilder[Int]     = Parameter("divisor", ![Int])
  val header: RouteBuilder[NonZeroInt]  = Header("dividend", Dividend) 

  //parser composition is always type-safe
  val incompleteRoute:RouteBuilder[(Int, NonZeroInt)]  =  (path + queryParam + header) 
  incompleteRoute to {case (a,b) => (a / b.value).ok}

//now build trees of routes
val calcRoutes = GET / "calc" / List(sumRoute, quotientRoute, otherQuotientRoute)

Routing.start(settings, Routes(calcRoutes))
>curl localhost:8080/calc/sum/5/6
(200 OK) 11

>curl localhost:8080/calc/quotient/5/0
(400 BAD_REQUEST) dividend must be nonzero

>curl localhost:8080/calc/other-quotient?divisor=4
(400 BAD_REQUEST) missing required header 'dividend'

This is just the basics, but hopefully that gives you an idea of what this is all about.


  • It's really fast! - Scalene is built from the ground up for low-latency network I/O and follows the design philosophy of maximizing concurrency while minimizing parallelism. When possible, all I/O relative to a single operation is single-threaded. When writing services you don't have to think about this though, Scalene does all the optimization and thread-management under the hood.
  • Lightweight - Currently Scalene only has a dependency on Shapeless. The core library has no dependencies at all.
  • Powerful Declarative Routing DSL : Composable, functional, self-documenting, and easily configurable and extendable.

There's a lot of other stuff coming soon

  • Streaming (mostly done at this point)
  • Http2 support
  • More web support like static file streaming

Getting Started

Currently to try it out you'll have to clone the repo and build the jars yourself. You can easily do this with SBT

sbt publishLocal

Then in your project just add to your build.sbt

libraryDependencies += "io.scalene" %% "scalene" % "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT" 

Current State

Currently this project is in a very early prototype phase. I'm still working on building out the core features and getting the framework into a production-ready state. No artifacts are being published yet and test coverage is light at best.

Wanna Help?

I'm excited to work with anyone who's interested in contributing to this project in any way!

For small changes and bug fixes just open a PR and I'll get to it quickly. Ideally one such change per request, but it's ok to group them if they're closely related. At this moment I'm not requiring test coverage.

Since the framework is still in its early stages and the code is in a high state of flux, I'd strongly recommend opening an issue detailing any changes you want to make before beginning your work. I will have fairly strict standards about what I will merge in, so it's better we work together early on.

The only real rule I'm enforcing is that no new library dependencies can be added.


Scalene is heavily influenced by Tumblr's Colossus framework, of which I was also the creator and lead developer. Scalene is not a fork of Colossus, but instead more like a re-imagining with some fairly fundamental design changes.

The vast majority of Scalene was written from scratch, but some code is copied over from Colossus, which I've detailed in the NOTICE file and have included appropriate attribution in the relevant files.


Copyright 2020 Dan Simon

Scalene is published under the MIT license.