Full-Stack Web Developer
Intern at @newgotecnologia and student at Fatec Mogi das CruzesBrazil
Pinned Repositories
This content kit provides learning material to allow intermediate web developers to level up their skills, learning real world techniques to take them past rudimentary syntax towards a solid foundation of skills than can be utilized to create modern web applications. It'll be visual; you'll have fun along the way.
Princípios de Programação Orientada a Objetos (POO) para a construção de uma API com CRUD para gerenciar uma concessionária de veículos.Foi feito utilizando o banco de dados MongoDB através do framework do Mongoose. Aplicado arquitetura MVC, classes de Domínio e com cobertura de testes
Projeto full-stack feito em equipe. Uma plataforma de delivery de cerveja.
TDD Rails application where clients can find and book inns and inn owners can register your guest houses.
This is a project challenge from Rebase Labs
Um projeto full-stack de classificação de times de futebol, utilizando POO, SOLID, arquitetura MVC e Padrão de Projeto Adapter, coberto com testes
DanSmaR's Repositories
Um projeto full-stack de classificação de times de futebol, utilizando POO, SOLID, arquitetura MVC e Padrão de Projeto Adapter, coberto com testes
Este repositório é referente ao curso "Collection Framework API Java" e é uma valiosa contribuição para a comunidade de desenvolvedores Java, fornecendo exemplos práticos e recursos educacionais relacionados à poderosa API de coleções da linguagem Java.
TDD Rails application where clients can find and book inns and inn owners can register your guest houses.
This is a project challenge from Rebase Labs
In this project I developed an API and a database for producing content for a blog! It is an application in using the package to make a of posts. The endpoints were developed following REST principles.
Intro in Pair Programming - Campus Code - TreinaDev
My personal repository
Repositório do lab "Contribuindo em um Projeto Open Source no GitHub" da Digital Innovation One.
Figma to CSS Exercise as NewGo Intern activity
A spending control wallet with currency converter using Redux and React. It is able to: Add, remove and edit an expense; View a table with your expenses; View total expenses converted to a currency of choice;
A basic Vue with Rails application which consume data from an guesthouse API. It's part of an exercise from TreinaDev Bootcamp from Campus Code.
Course code & materials for our "JavaScript Unit Testing - The Practical Guide" course (https://acad.link/testing)
Learning resources for Ruby, Rails, and related skills.
This is a simple blog site made in Ruby on Rails as a challenge from Maino Company
A store of medieval items, in the format of an API, using Typescript. Developed all layers of the application (_Models_, _Service_ and _Controllers_) making it possible to perform the basic operations that can be done on a given database: Creation, Reading, Update and Deletion or CRUD. Used MySQL.
Rails CRUD app about movies. You can save and edit movies, genres and directors. It's a exercise from treinaDev Bootcamp from Campus Code.
TrybeTunes, an application capable of playing and creating a playlist; login; search for a band or artist; list available albums; view the songs in an album; play a preview of the songs; favorite and unfavorite songs; view the list of favorite songs; view the profile of the logged in person; edit the profile of the logged in person;
Password Validator Test
A simplified version, without persistence in the database, of an online store, in which users will be able to: search, add, remove for products by terms and categories using the Mercado Livre API. View details and reviews. Create reviews. Simulate purchases
Tests for a React application that is already created and configured, using Jest and the React Testing Library. The application contains a complete implementation of all Pokédex requirements.
SQL database exercise using SQLite3 as part of treinaDev assigment from Campus Code Bootcamp.
React project on a model of the solar system. A person user is to be able to: view all the planets in the solar system rendered on the screen; view all cards with information about space missions;
Frontend project using React on a list with filters of planets from the Star Wars universe using **Context API and Hooks** to control global states.
An application for registering talkers (speakers) in which it will be possible to register, view, search, edit and delete information. Developed an API for a CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) of speakers and using the fs module.
This repo was created with the aim of practicing git and github
Exercise for training OOP principles, git and github commands
React game project in the Super Trunfo style! By using this application, a user is able to: create a deck with a free theme; add and remove a card from the deck; view all cards added to the deck; play with the created deck.