Laravel 4 Beta Change Log

Beta 4

  • Added Model::creating(Closure) and Model::updating(Closure) methods for hooking into Eloquent save events.
  • Added Event::queue and Event::flush.
  • Added a Str class in support component. Adopted Patchwork UTF-8 to provide solid UTF-8 handling for the framework.
  • Allow Eloquent attributes to be accessed by camelCase in addition to snake_case.
  • Added App::environment method.
  • Added resolving method to IoC container for catching resolutions.
  • Added shouldReceive and swap methods to facade.
  • Added bound method to the IoC container.
  • Utilize checkdate in the date validation rule to make sure the date is actually valid.
  • Allow controller actions in base classes to be routed via Route::controller.
  • Encode queue payloads as JSON instead of serializing, to make the Queue place nicely with other languages.
  • Added Model::created(Closure) and Model::updated(Closure) methods for hooking into Eloquent post-save events.
  • Added Model::boot static method for a one time "booting" method for models.
  • Passing null into a where call will not short-cut into whereNull.
  • Changed Blade {{ }} to not escape. Made the triple braces escape.
  • Added DB::getName to get the configured name of the connection.
  • Made Eloquent casing agnostic. Will use whatever casing the properties use. Added snakeAttributes property to model (default true) to control casing on relationships when using toArray.
  • Added restart identity to Postgres truncate SQL.
  • Added Log::listen callback and illuminate.log event which can be hooked into for custom logging handling.
  • Allow blade templates to be configurable (advanced usage). Can swap out {{ }} for [[ ]] as an example, to avoid conflicts with other engines (such as handlebars).
  • camel_case function now returns strings with lower-case leading letters. Previous behavior of this function can be found in new studly_case helper.
  • Added find method to Eloquent Collection.
  • When using MySQL, new after method may be used when building Schema columns to specify column order. ($t->string('name')->after('foo'))
  • Added new --timeout option to queue:listen command.
  • Fixed bug that sometimes caused custom view engines to not be properly utilized.
  • Added URL::previous method for getting previous URL from referer $_SERVER variable.
  • Renamed path helper to url for consistency.

Beta 3

  • Fixed a few things in the ArrayStore session driver.
  • Improve reasons in Password Broker.

Beta 2

  • Migrated to ircmaxell's password-compat library for PHP 5.5 forward compatibility on hashes. No backward compatibility breaks.
  • Inflector migrated to L4. Eloquent models now assume their table names if one is not specified. New helpers str_plural and str_singular.
  • Improved Route::controller so that URL::action may be used with RESTful controllers.
  • Added model binding to routing engine via Route::model and Route::bind.
  • Added missingMethod to base Controller, can be used to handle catch-all routes into the controller.
  • Fixed bug with Redis data retrieval that caused server to hang.
  • Implemented ArrayableInterface and JsonableInterface on MessageBag.
  • Fixed bug where hasFile returned true when file returned null.
  • Changed default PDO case constant to CASE_NATURAL.
  • DB::table('foo')->truncate() now available on all supported databases.
  • Fixed Twitter Bootstrap compatibility in Paginator.
  • Allow multiple views to be passed to View::composer.
  • Added Request::segment method.
  • No need to prefix Translator methods with colons anymore.
  • Allow inline error messages for an entire rule on the Validator.
  • Can now automatically auto-load a relation for every query by setting the with attribute on models.
  • Fix fallback locale handling in Translator.
  • Added constructor arguments and merge method to MessageBag.
  • IoC container will now resolve default parameters if no binding is available.
  • Fix auto environment detection on Artisan.
  • Fix BrowserKit request processing.
  • Added Config::hasGroup method.
  • Added DB::unprepared method for running raw, unprepared queries against PDO.
  • Allow :key place-holder in MessageBag messages.
  • Added Auth::validate method for validating credentials without logging in.
  • Added Auth::stateless method for logging in for a single request without sessions or cookies.
  • Added DB::extend method for adding custom connection resolvers.
  • Added each and filter methods to Eloquent collections.
  • Swapped method order on Route::controller to make it more consistent with other similar methods.
  • Added route names to resource routes.
  • Added support for nested resources.
  • Changed resource route parameter names to match resource name, allowing for use with Route::model.
  • Added extendImplicit method to Validator.
  • Added Password::remind and Password::reset methods.
  • Implemented RemindableInterface on the default User model.
  • Added unified queue API component, with drivers for sync and beanstalkd (Amazon SQS to come).
  • Ported Model->touch method from L3 Eloquent.
  • Added isEmpty method to the Paginator.
  • Added ability to specify prefix on a route group.
  • Added setBaseUrl method to pagination environment.
  • Eloquent Model and Collections objects now include JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK by default on toJson method.
  • Eloquent mutators are now prefixed with getFooAttribute and setFooAttribute instead of getFoo and setFoo. This is to avoid conflicts with other get and set methods on the model, and in your own code.
  • Added auth:reminders Artisan command for generating a migration for the password reminders table.
  • Added App::fatal method for registering an error listener for PHP fatal errors.
  • Added session:table Artisan command for generating a migration for the session database table.
  • Fix bug when using first method on a belongsToMany relationship.
  • Added SQL and bindings array to database query exceptions.
  • Allow manipulation of session using "dot" notation.
  • Route regular expression constraints may now be defined globally via Route::pattern.
  • Auto-increment fields are now unsigned if the database system supports it.
  • Changed how database seeding works to give more freedom and allow use of Eloquent, etc.
  • Change event dispatcher to use more L3 style conventions instead of passing event objects. Added until method.
  • Fix bug with Eloquent eager loads with joins.
  • Allow method specification on class based View composers.
  • Allow method specification on class based Route filters.
  • Added new configuration option for specifying session cookie name.
  • Escape Blade echos by default. Made {{{ foo }}} echo for raw output with no escaping.
  • Allow the sending of e-mails with only plain text parts.