
A command-line interface for Windows for outputting or modifying proxy settings for Internet Explorer

Primary LanguageC++Boost Software License 1.0BSL-1.0


ieproxy is command-line interface for Windows for outputting or modifying proxy settings for Internet Explorer. This is achieved by using the Windows WinINET API.


Download Release/ieproxy.exe and call directly from the Windows Command Line or from a Batch or Cygwin script. If you wish to be able to call it using ieproxy from any location, copy the file to a location referenced in the PATH` environment variable.


C:\>ieproxy --help

Output or modify proxy settings for Internet Explorer.

Usage: ieproxy [options]
       ieproxy --help
       ieproxy --version

If called without any arguments, the current proxy settings are

  -a [ --auto-config ] arg  Enable automatic proxy configuration and optionally
                            specify the location of the configuration script.
  --no-auto-config          Disable automatic proxy configuration. Overrides 
  --auto-detect             Enable automatic detection of proxy settings
  --no-auto-detect          Disable automatic detection of proxy settings. 
                            Overrides '--auto-detect'.
  -b [ --bypass ] arg       A comma separated list of address for which the 
                            proxy server will be bypassed. If no argument is 
                            given, no addresses will be bypassed, except local 
                            addresses if --bypass-local is set.
  -l [ --bypass-local ]     Bypass local addresses
  --no-bypass-local         Do not bypass local addresses. Overrides 
  -d [ --default ]          Reset proxy settings to default settings. When 
                            combined with other options, proxy settings will be
                            reset before applying the other options.
  -p [ --proxy-server ] arg Enable proxy server and optionally set the address 
                            and port of the proxy
  --no-proxy-server         Disable proxy server. Overrides --proxy-server.
  --help                    Show help
  --version                 Show version information and attributions

Return values:
  0:  No errors
  1:  Error with command line arguments
  2:  Error retrieving or setting proxy setting


ieproxy -a http://wpad/wpad.dat

Enables automatic proxy configuration using the script located at 'http://wpad/wpad.dat'

ieproxy -p cache.example.com:8080

Configures manual proxy settings to use the proxy server 'cache.example.com' on the port 8080.

ieproxy -p cache.example.com:8080 -l -b foo,bar.com

Configures manual proxy settings to bypass proxy server for the address 'foo', 'bar.com' and all local addresses.


This software uses the Boost C++ library, and references the following headers:

  • boost/program_options.hpp
  • boost/algorithm/string.hpp

In order to compile in Visual Studio 2010, follow these instructions:

  1. Download and launch the BoostPro 1.51.0 (32-bit) Installer from http://www.boostpro.com/download/.
  2. In the installation wizard proceed through the pages until the Select default varients page.
  3. Set the Visual C++ 10.0 (Visual Studio 2010) checkbox and click Next.
  4. In the list of components, set the Boost ProgramOptions/VC10.0 node and click Next.
  5. Make a note of the destination folder and click Install.
  6. After installation is complete, go to the Windows desktop, right-click My Computer and click Properties.
  7. Click Advanced system settings and click Environment Variables...
  8. Within the System variables group, click New... and create a new environment variable with the name BOOST_X86 and set the value to location that Boost was installed to.
  9. Download or check out the source from github and open ieproxy.sln in Visual Studio.
  10. Wait for Visual Studio to parse included files. The project properties already include a reference the BOOST_X86 environment variable.
  11. When Visual Studio has parsing files, the project can be built via Build > Build Solution. You may wish to change the build configuration to Release first.

Copyright & License

Copyright © Dan Stevens 2012

The software and its source code is licensed under the terms of the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. See accompanying file LICENSE.txt.


Developed by Dan "Doomy" Stevens
Contact: dan.stevens@doomy.co.uk
Website: https://github.com/DanStevens/ieproxy