Primary LanguagePython

What is JSON? Javascript Object Notation

Syntax - JSON is syntax for exchanging data

Where and how? - Between a browser and server

  • JSON is also used to parse the data from existing files or web browser
  • The data can only be text - Hence JSON is written in JSON format
- Data types:
A string
A number
and object (JSON Object)
an array
A Boolean
  • Where is this syntax derived from JavaScript
  • In JSON data is stored in key value pairs: Name/Value
{"Name": "James", "Age": "18"}
- Data is seperated by a ,
# Here we are importing the Json file
import json

# Encoding/WRITING from the dictionary and writing Json file
car_data = {"name": "Tesla", "engine": "electric"} # Dictionary

# This will print the dictionary

# This will print the data type of the dictionary

car_data_json_string = json.dumps(car_data) # Changing python dictionary to a Json string

# The data type is now changed from a dictionary to a string

# Lets create a Json file with writing permission "w" stands for write
with open("new_json_file.json", "w") as jsonfile:
# Enter the name of the file, Permission type

# Encoding and creating into a Json file

    json.dump(car_data, jsonfile) # Json.dump takes 2 args
    # Car_data is the first one. It is the dictionary Second is the file object. In this case it is jsonfile

with open("new_json_file.json") as jsonfile: # Decoding
    # Reading from the file we just created

    car = json.load(jsonfile) # Storing data from file to car variable
    print(type(car)) # Checking the type of data again
    print(car["name"]) # To get the values stored in the key called name
    print(car["engine"]) # To get the value of second key pair value

# We have DECODED/READING our file new_json.json that we created earlier
# We have used dumps(), dump() and load() methods
CRUD stands for "Create, Read, Update and Delete.
These are the four basic database operations.
Many HTTP services model CRUD operations.```

### Exchange rate exercise
# import json
# create a class Exchange_rates
# With required attributes
# fetch the data from exchange_rates.json
# display the data
# display the type of data
# display exchange rates with specific currencies
# Method to return the exchange rates
# Give the full path of the location if not saved within the same folder