Welcome to BSQMods, a repository containing information about mods available for the Meta Quest version of Beat Saber.
A website is dynamically generated based on the contents of this repository. You can find it here.
To make the process of generating and submitting JSON files for a QMod easier, we've developed a tool that you can access here.
We generate JSON files from the data in this repository. You can access these files at the following endpoints:
- https://mods.bsquest.xyz/mods.json
- https://mods.bsquest.xyz/mods-grouped.json
- https://mods.bsquest.xyz/versions.json
- https://mods.bsquest.xyz/[version].json
If you want brotli compressed files, just add .br
to the end of the endpoint url.
- Created by DanTheMan827
- Beat Saber render by PixelGuy