
[TMLR 2024] Dynamic Online Ensembles of Basis Expansions

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Dynamic Online Ensembles of Basis Expansions

This repository contains the code for Dynamic Online Ensembles of Basis Expansions (DOEBE), published in Transactions on Machine Learning Research (TMLR). The paper proposes a generalization of online Gaussian process methods using the random feature approximation to general basis expansions, including Hilbert space Gaussian processes.


The DOEBE paper is available open-access on OpenReview. If you use any code or results from this project, please consider citing the orignal paper:

title={Dynamic Ensembles of Basis Expansions},
author={Daniel Waxman and Petar M. Djuri\'c},
journal={Transactions on Machine Learning Research},

Installation Instructions

To install DOEBE, you can download the git repository and install the package using pip:

git clone https://github.com/DanWaxman/DynamicOnlineBasisExpansions
cd DynamicOnlineBasisExpansions/src
pip install -e .


Examples used for experiments in the paper can be found in experiments/. In general, creating a DOEBE starts with a list of DOEBE.models.DOBE instances. After instantiating a list of DOBE models, hyperparameters can be tuned with empirical Bayes via doebe.pretrain(X, y). After that, the DOEBE model can be fit to data with doebe.fit(X, y). See a minimal example below, which is a fragment of experiments/experiment_2.py.

import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
import numpy as np
from DOEBE.doebe import DOEBE
from DOEBE.models import *

    "jax_enable_x64", True
)  # Use double precision, especially for empirical Bayes

from experiment_utils import *

# Get data
X, y = get_data("Kuka #1")

# Prepare GP lengthscale initialization as mentioned in the paper
d = X.shape[1]
L = np.max([np.abs(np.min(X, axis=0)), np.abs(np.max(X, axis=0))], axis=0) * 1.5
M = 100 // d

# Choose one model to be static, and one to be dynamic
var_eps_vals = [0.0, 1e-3]

# Create DOEBE Model of HSGPs
ls_guess = jnp.ones(d)
dogp_list = [
    DOAddHSGP(L, M, d, ls_guess, 1.0, var_eps, 0.25) for var_eps in var_eps_vals
doebe = DOEBE(dogp_list)

print("Pretraining DOEBE")
doebe.pretrain(X[:1000], y[:1000])

print("Fitting DOEBE")
y_mean, y_var, ws = doebe.fit(X[1000:], y[1000:], return_ws=True)

To use a SDOEBE (for example, the E-DOEBE discussed in the paper), the API is overall similar besides the inclusion of a Q matrix:

# Create SDOEBE/E-DOEBE Model
delta = 1e-2
dogp_list = [
    DOAddHSGP(L, M, d, ls_guess, 1.0, var_eps, 0.25) for var_eps in var_eps_vals
Q = jnp.array([[1 - delta, delta], [delta, 1 - delta]])
sdoebe = SDOEBE(dogp_list, Q)

print("Pretraining E-DOEBE")
sdoebe.pretrain(X[:1000], y[:1000])

print("Fitting E-DOEBE")
y_mean, y_var, ws = sdoebe.fit(X[1000:], y[1000:], return_ws=True)