
New-tab-page/Start-page for all browsers

See it in action


  • Add and remove bookmarks
  • Filter bookmarks with keyword
  • Clock for awesome clocky action!
  • Date too because time is difficult
  • Search bar to find bookmarks
  • Search bar again but this time with options to customise the search engine
  • Saves data to local storage
  • Keyboard shortcuts
    • esc to dismiss most things
    • ctrl+alt+a to add a new bookmark
    • ctrl+alt+m to open menu
    • ctrl+alt+e to toggle edit state
    • ctrl+alt+r random theme if option is turned on in menu > layout > random Accent colour
  • Responsive design
  • Customise Accent colour!
  • Can be installed on Chrome as an extension

All options available:

  • Header
    • Clock, hours, minutes, seconds, 24 hours, separators
    • Date, day, month, year, separators, text length
    • Search, bar length, search engine
    • Show/hide Edit/Add and Accent buttons
    • Header alignment
  • Bookmarks
    • Open in a new tab
    • Block and List style
    • Sort by Name, Letter or order added
  • Layout
    • Fluid, Wide or Thin
    • Scroll past end of page
    • Random theme colour

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