The Legend of Vernaccus

main 1 (optional) > triggered by picking up book in Jobasha's

I found a book about a little known Daedra of great power. There was a map to a Shrine in the Sheogorad Region, not too far from Vas.

main 5 > triggered when entering cave to shrine

I have found acave entrance leading to the Shrine of Vernaccus with difficulty: the place has clearly been deserted for a long time.

main 10 > triggered when activating statue

Vernaccus spoke to me. He called me his champion though I have a nagging feeling he’d call a rat his champion if a rat had walked in before me. He tasked me picking stones in and outside his shrines. That's a peculiar request to say the least.

main 15 > triggered in dialogue with seducer outside shrine

Horavatha , a seducer talked to me as I was picking up stones outside the shrine. She quite plainly mocked me for serving Vernaccus and straight out said that he is in fact, rather puny. She even suggested I become her champion instead. She was joking though. I think? If I want to find her again, I should use the spell she taught me. It feels a little too easy... Meantime, I should speak with Vernaccus and find out more about "The Elusive Beast".

book 1 (optional) > triggered by dialogue "Vernaccus with Seducer and booksellers

I was told of a book called "Vernaccus and Bourlor. It it is quite rare and might not be available at most bookshops.

main 20 > triggered by statue script

Vernaccus wants me to expand and I quote "pimp his shrine", whatever that may mean. The Guardian of the Shrine will know what to do.

cs 1 > triggered by statue script

One of the walls crumbled and revealed a new room: I can see a Well of Fire in its center. I think I also saw movement. I'd better investigate.

cs 5 > triggered by Well of Fire lava / golem dialogue ????

The new room not only has a Well of Fire, but also a tall golem, the Guardian of the Shrine Vernaccus mentioned. The Well is quite clearly a connection to Oblivion and a source of power for Vernaccus.

cs 10 > triggered by dialogue with Golem

I need to take a closer look at any of the crumbling walls in the shrine. I don't think the Golem will stop following me until I do.

cs 15 > triggered when "First room" (with how to transmutate book) is built

The golem conjured a whole room using souls. I will need to get more souls if I want more rooms added. The room is very bare: it only has a book and a bottle of some sort. I assume both are very important.

cs 20 > when any second room is built

I have managed to collect enough souls in the Bottle of Souls to have a second room built. It would seem that as long as I have collected enough souls, I can not only add rooms, but also unlock more objects. As amazing as the transmutation power is, it seems to be limited to the Shrine. I wonder...

main 25 > triggered by statue script

Vernaccus wants to eat... Vivec. He seemed very serious about it too. Time to pay Horavatha a visit using the spell she gave me. If I don't like what she has to say, I can bring her flesh to Vernaccus.

main 30 > triggered when reading note in H's Gauntlet

The spell Horvatha taught me took me... somewhere. I need to explore, survive and finally find Horvatha.

PROF journal entries?

main 35 > dialogue with H

I have survived Horvatha's Gauntlet abd have therefore proven my worth to her. She has given me a choice: follow her advice to somehow acquire Vernaccus' powers, or continue to serve Vernaccus

main 40 > dialogue with H

I have decided to follow Horvatha's advice. According to her, I could gain great powers if I could re-enact Vernaccus's greatest moment: defeat Boulror. As luck would have it, Bourlor's descendant has been destroying Vernaccus'shrines across Tamriel and should be heading to the last one here on Vvardenfell.

main 50 > triggered by door script

The Shrine of Vernaccus is under attack, the Well of Power has dried up but I see no signs of an archer.There must be a way forward. Or downward?

main 60 > On Hero death

Horvatha congratulated me. She claims I have become Vernaccus. That makes no sense. I should step through the portal and take a look at Vernaccus'statue again. OR...

main 45 > dialogue with H

I have decided to continue serving Vernaccus. Horvatha was dispeased, to say the least and attacked me.

main 55 > triggered by door script

The Shrine of Vernaccus is under attack and the Well of Power has dried up. I must find the source of the disturbance. There must be a way forward. Or downward?

main 65 > on hero death

Vernaccus congratulated me on deafeating the Archer hero. I should go through the portal and talk to Vernaccus again.

MD journal entries? (55 sided with H, 60 sided with V/killed Vivec)

cs 100 (end1) > statue script

As far as I can tell, Vernaccus has vanished but I am feeling more powerful than ever, as though I was not channelling Vernaccus'power anymore, but I was Vernaccus myself. [You may use Transmutation anywhere in Tamriel.]

cs 110 (end 2) > statue script

For my help saving the Shrine from Bourlor's descendant, Vernaccus has granted me the power to tranmutate outside the Shrine. [You may use Transmutation anywhere in Tamriel.]