The text marked with #yeahz represents my comments or indicates that I've used it.


  • The entire process of learning Chinese is conducted at your own pace and based on your interests.

  • Materials are just a means; everyone's methods may vary, and you can choose what you prefer.

The starting from scratch to learn Chinese, as recommended by GPT

步骤 (Step) 原因 (Reason) 英文 (English)
学习拼音 (Learn Pinyin) 拼音是中文的音标系统,帮助发音和理解声调 (Pinyin is the phonetic system for Chinese, helping with pronunciation and tone understanding.) Learn Pinyin
基础词汇和语法 (Basic Vocabulary and Grammar) 掌握基本词汇和语法规则,建立语言基础 (Master basic vocabulary and grammar rules, establish a language foundation.) Basic Vocabulary and Grammar
听力和口语练习 (Listening and Speaking Practice) 通过听力理解和口语练习,提高交流能力 (Through listening comprehension and speaking practice, enhance communication skills.) Listening and Speaking Practice
学习常见的汉字 (Learn Common Chinese Characters) 了解常见的汉字,扩大词汇量 (Recognize common Chinese characters, expand vocabulary.) Learn Common Chinese Characters
扩展词汇和语法 (Expand Vocabulary and Grammar) 逐渐学习更多词汇和复杂语法规则,提高语言表达能力 (Gradually learn more vocabulary and complex grammar rules, improve language expression.) Expand Vocabulary and Grammar
阅读练习 (Reading Practice) 开始阅读简单的中文文章,提高阅读理解和词汇 (Start reading simple Chinese articles, enhance reading comprehension and vocabulary.) Reading Practice
写作练习 (Writing Practice) 开始书写中文,巩固语言技能 (Begin writing in Chinese to solidify language skills.) Writing Practice

Chinese Alphabet / PinYin

Learn Chinese Alphabet Pinyin | Chinese Lesson for Beginners Lesson 1| Chinese Pronunciation Guide - YouTube

basic sentencs.

Learn Chinese in 30 Minutes - ALL the Basics You Need - YouTube

The methodology of learning a foreign language:

如何正确使用人脑来在几个月内学会英语 - YouTube

#yeahz The first half of the video is spoken in English; the creator is Chinese, proficient in Japanese, English, and Chinese.


browser Extension:

  • Immersive Translate #yeahz 've used and found it good

websites for me to learning foreign languages:

 - ( #yeahz 've used and found it good free shared chatgpt 3.5

  • #yeahz 've used Lang-8 is the best place for learning and practicing foreign languages. Post an entry in the language you are learning, then a native speaker will correct

#yeahz I can correct entrys/articles for you

most visited websites by Chinese people:

Chinese Quora: #yeahz 've used
Chinese YouTube: #yeahz 've used