
Communicate with a openvpn instance via telnet.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


npm version

Communicate to an OpenVpn client instance via telenet, for node.

	var openvpnmanager = require('node-openvpn');

	var opts = {
        host: '', // normally '', will default to if undefined
        port: 1337, //port openvpn management console
        timeout: 1500, //timeout for connection - optional, will default to 1500ms if undefined
        logpath: 'log.txt' //optional write openvpn console output to file, can be relative path or absolute
    var auth = {
        user: 'vpnUserName',
        pass: 'vpnPassword',

    var openvpn = openvpnmanager.connect(opts)

    openvpn.on('connected', function() { //will be emited on successful interfacing with openvpn instance

    openvpn.on('console-output', function(output) { //emits console output of openvpn instance as a string

    openvpn.on('state-change', function(state) { //emits console output of openvpn state as a array

    openvpn.on('error', function(error) { //emits console output of openvpn state as a string

    openvpnmanager.getLog(console.log) //get all console logs up to this point

    // and finally when/if you want to

    openvpn.on('disconnected', function() { //emits on disconnect
        openvpnmanager.destroy() //finally destroy the disconnected manager 


$ npm install node-openvpn