
Steam 2 PCGamingWiki - A Steam page to PCGW article converter (work in progress)

Primary LanguageGo

Steam 2 PCGW

The goal of this tool is to simplify the process of creating new articles for the PC Gaming Wiki by just simply entering the Steam App ID.



How To

  1. Either visit the Releases page and download the latest build from there.
  2. Clone or download the ZIP (Press 'Code' → 'Download ZIP'), enter the directory and type go run. Do note, you'll require Go (https://go.dev/doc/install) to do this!


  • You are welcome to contribute and improve the code as you see fit.
  • If you wish to discuss your plans for the repo, then please make an issue.


  • Cleanup the code.
  • Save cache in a sub-folder, and take the time and date of that cache into account. Fetch new data from the API if the cache is older than seven days.
  • IGDB and OpenCritic support.


  • Caching

Article Status

  • Marks the article as stub
  • Infobox: Game Cover (needs manual review)
  • Infobox: Developers
  • Infobox: Publishers
  • Infobox: Release Date
  • Infobox: Reception: Metacritic (if available)
  • Infobox: Reception: OpenCritic (if available)
  • Infobox: Reception: IGDB (if available)
  • Infobox: Taxomony: F2P / One-time Game Purchase
  • Infobox: Taxonomy: Microtransactions
  • Infobox: Taxonomy: Modes (defaults to Singleplayer for now)
  • Infobox: Taxonomy: Pacing
  • Infobox: Taxonomy: Perspectives
  • Infobox: Taxonomy: Controls
  • Infobox: Taxonomy: Genres
  • Infobox: Taxonomy: Sports
  • Infobox: Taxonomy: Vehicles
  • Infobox: Taxonomy: Art Styles
  • Infobox: Taxonomy: Themes
  • Infobox: Taxonomy: Series
  • Infobox: Steam App ID
  • Infobox: GOG App ID
  • Infobox: Official Website (if available)
  • Infobox: HLTB
  • Infobox: IGDB (Only needs to be set if there is no IGDB reception row, Empty by default for now)
  • Infobox: Lutris
  • Infobox: MobyGames
  • Infobox: StrategyWiki
  • Infobox: Wikipedia
  • Infobox: WineHQ
  • Infobox: License (defaults to Commercial for now)
  • Introduction: Introduction
  • Introduction: Release History (generic)
  • Introduction: Current State (impossible?)
  • Availability: Steam
  • Availability: Other Stores (not the scope of the project yet)
  • Monetization: Ad-Supported
  • Monetization: DLC
  • Monetization: Expansion Pack
  • Monetization: freeware
  • Monetization: free-to-play (F2P / One-time Game Purchase)
  • Monetization: sponsored
  • Monetization: subscription
  • Microtransactions: Microtransactions
  • Microtransactions: DLCs
  • Game Data: Config File Location
  • Save Game Data: File location
  • Save Game Sync
  • Video
  • Input: Key remapping
  • Input: Touchscreen
  • Input: Controller Support, Full Controller
  • Input: Controller (PS/Xbox/Others)
  • Audio
  • Languages (There maybe some discrepancies as Steam API provides very vague info)
  • API (App executable bits detected, needs manual review)
  • Middleware
  • System Requirements: Windows (Needs manual review)
  • System Requirements: Mac (Needs manual review)
  • System Requirements: Linux (Needs manual review)
  • References